Chapter 24

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Mark's Pov

"Jennie please don't go", I clutched on the shirt that was on her hand so she would stop.

"You can't stop me now Mark. I have decided, I'll let Taehyung be with Samantha. In fact, they're going to have a family anyway", she sobbed while continue packing.

"Then I'll come with you", I said and she stopped.

"You can't, what about your work as an idol? It's your dream remember?", She asked and I walked closer to her.

"You know I always put you first before anything else, even it's my dream", I honestly said and cupped her cheek.

"Why are you so kind Mark? All of the things you did to me are unnecessary, to be honest you gave me more than I could wish for. You don't have to do all of this", she said and I felt my heart skip a beat.

I know I'm taking advantage of the situation, but Jennie is at stake here. If I let this slip once again, I might really loose her.

"Why? Because I like you", I replied and she looked shock.

"You what?", She asked shocked and I nodded my head.

"I really like you Jennie, ever since the first day I met you. You never left my heart after that. I know I was pushing you with Taehyung before because I thought he'll take care of you more than I do. But now that I know what he did, I'm never letting you go", I said and grabbed both of her hands.

She was speechless and was looking down. She tried to take my grip off of her but I didn't budge. I'm never letting go of this hand.

"I know you don't love me. But I can wait! I'll wait for that day to come. I can take care of you and Taemin like I always had. Just please give me a chance", I begged and she looked in my eyes.

"You're a good friend to me Mark. And I don't want to give you false hopes. I know you know what I feel for you, and friendship is all I can ever give. I don't deserve a loving person as you", she said and I felt my grip loosen on her hand.

"Can't you just try? Can't you love me?", I asked and looked down.

This hurts. I wasn't even wishing for her love in the first place but why am I like this? All I ever wanted was to be by her side, nothing more, nothing less. I laughed bitterly and wiped the tears on my face.

"Forget what I said. I hope that wouldn't make our friendship complicated", I scratched my nape and she just looked at me with sadness.

I pinched her cheeks and smiled. I put my hands on my pocket and turned around.

"I'll just fix my luggage and we'll go together okay?", I said and left her room.

Once I closed the door, I looked up. Preventing my tears to fall. No matter what I'll do, she'll always love Taehyung. And I, I'm just her best friend that'll love her from afar. I won't force myself on her.

Because just like in a room, you can't force yourself in when you know someone is already occupying it.

Jennie's Pov

I heard the front door closed and I felt guilty. All this time, Mark has feelings for me and I was just too dumb to notice. I left my room and went to Taemin's. He was already discharged yesterday day since he woken up on the other day. I entered his room and saw him laying down on his bed, with his coloring books.

"What is my baby doing?", I asked since he's not coloring anything but just staring at a certain page.

"Mommy! Isn't Daddy's work pretty?", He pointed at the page and I peeked.

It is indeed beautiful. He is indeed talented in every way. Before in high school, he was weird yet he has a wonderful imagination. He would often space out, but he was only imagining things to draw or create. How I love those days.

"Mommy you're crying", I was back to my senses when Taemin touched my cheek.

"Who? Me? Crying? There's just something in my eyes", I chuckled and wiped the tears on my eye.

I admit, when he begged me to stay, I really want to hug him, kiss him, be with him. But I can't keep Taehyung away from his soon to be child with Samantha. It's okay if it's only me hurting, but not my son, not now when he has a condition. I caressed his hair when I heard someone shouting outside our house, that voice is familiar.

I run out of the house and saw Samantha making a scene infront of our house.

"You bitch! Where is my baby's father? Where are you keeping him?", She shouted and I could see my neighbors are already out of their house.

"What a disgrace!"

"That girl's crazy! She's talking to Kim Jennie"

"Jennie's fans won't let this girl live that's for sure"

"What are you talking about? Taehyung and I aren't talking for weeks already, and who knows where he is", I honestly replied but she slapped me.

Lucky, she's pregnant. If not, I could have burned her alive.

"Liar! Tell me, how many boys have you already slept? Shame on you! Giving yourself like that! No wonder karma hit you and your son got it all---", this time I slapped her back.

She can insult me whenever she wants, but not Taemin.

"You're lucky you're pregnant Samantha. I could do worse if you're not", I threatened and she just glared at me.

She was about to slap me once again when someone pulled her. I was shocked to see who it was.

"Jackson?", I asked and he bowed at me.

"I'm sorry about Samantha, Jennie. I promise she won't go near you ever again", he said and dragged Samantha away who was struggling.

"Let me go Jackson!", I heard Samantha shouted from the outside.

"Stop moving Samantha! You'll hurt the baby!"

So, Samantha is indeed pregnant. But why is Jackson protecting her too much? Is there something going on between them? I must ask Mark about this.


Author's Nonsense Note

Hahaha! Finally I'm done with projects! I'm resurrected from the stress! I'm back people!

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