Chapter 25

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Jungkook's Pov

"Hyung! Get up!", I shouted at V hyung who was knocked down on the floor.

Ever since he let go of Jennie noona, he's become like this. Fragile and drunk. Sometimes I would often hear him call her name in his sleep. He really loves Jennie.

"Get up hyung! What would Jennie say of she sees you like this?", I asked and he looked at me.

I felt my heart ached at the sight, his eyes are glistening in tears and soft sobs escaping his lips. His eyes show sadness and he's become voiceless.

"She would never want to see me again Kookie. She hates me", he replied and looked down again.

"If you would only explain to her what really happened, then you won't be miserable like this!", Because of my frustration, I was making unreadable signs with my hands.

"She won't listen", he simply replied.

"Then force her! Make sure she hears anything! Corner her or something!", My hands flew everywhere as if I'm reciting a poem.

"How will I do that? She thinks I impregnated Samantha and forces me to stay with that girl! I miss my son already", he sulked down and I remembered something.

Samantha is a JYP trainee, I wonder if I could ask Yugyeom for help. I immediately dialed his number and he answered.

"Ah, Yugyeom?", I called the moment he answered.

"What is it Jungkook?", He asked and I cleared my throat.

"Samantha is one of your trainees right?", I asked.

"Yeah, why?", He replied, and I glanced at V hyung who was listening to the convo.

"Are you noticing something about Samantha being close to another person?", I asked again.

"Uhm, no? I mean she has friends who are her fellow trainees?", He replied and I shook my head even though he won't see it.

"No, I mean a boy", I said and it turned silent for a moment before he replied.

"Ah! Jackson hyung! She's been close with Jackson hyung lately. Or should I say hyung was chasing Samantha and takes care of her", my eyebrow raised at that.

"Why is he doing such?", I asked.

"I dunno! It started just last month", there's the answer I want.

"Okay, thanks Yugyeom", I said and he just hummed and I hung up the phone.

"Why did you hung up?!", V hyung punched my shoulder and I slapped his head.

"Can't you understand! Jackson hyung was taking care of Samantha! Why do you think so? Because maybe he knows who's the father of her baby! Think hyung!", I explained and he turned dead frozen for a moment before regaining back his senses.

"You mean, if we find out who's the real father of the girl's baby, I can be with Jennie?", He asked and I nodded.

"Yes! We can be together again!", I smiled seeing the old Taehyung back in an instant.

So is this really the feeling of falling in love? I secretly glanced at my phone and looked at the wallpaper, I sighed.

I'm sorry Lisa, I think I'm not yet ready to confess yet.

Yugyeom's Pov

Idiot Jungkook! Why is he trying to make me stalk both Jackson hyung and Samantha? I was listening to the music while looking for the two of them, but looks like luck is on my side as I caught the both of them talking. It looks serious so I unplugged my earphones and listened to them. And just like what Jungkook told me, I recorded their convo.

"Why can't you just leave me Jackson? You said you'll be happy for me right? So please let me be with Taehyung oppa!"

"That was before when I knew you we're pregnant with my child!"

I gasped, Jackson hyung and Samantha, have a child?

"No! Taehyung is the father of my child!"

I rolled my eyes, like Taehyung will leave a badass yet hot woman like Jennie.

"Why do you always force it that way? Nothing was between you and Taehyung so it's impossible he's the one who impregnated you! In fact, nothing happened between you that night!"


"So? Jennie is an idiot because she fell for that! I only kissed Taehyung so what? He's mine now, and we will make a perfect family!"

Samantha is a psycho! I repeat, Samanatha is an obsessed psycho!

"Whether you like it or not Samantha! I'll take responsibility of that child and I'll tell Jennie everything! You just ruined their family!"

"Go ahead and tell her and I'll kill this creature inside me. And I'll blame it all on you and Jennie!"

I stopped since I recorded enough. I quickly run towards the exit and hailed a cab towards Big Hit. This will help Taehyung and Jennie.

Taehyung's Pov

I stared at my phone as I looked at the picture I secretly took, it was the picture of Jennie and Taemin. A tear trickled down my face as I remembered, we're aren't together anymore. I got up from my bed and got out of the room. But when I closed the door, Jungkook suddenly pulled me to the living room and I saw Yugyeom.

"Hyung listen to this!", Jungkook hysterically gave me the phone.

I played the record and listened.

"Why do you always force it that way? Nothing was between you and Taehyung so it's impossible he's the one who impregnated you! I'm fact, nothing happened between you that night!"

So I'm innocent.

"So? Jennie is an idiot because she fell for that! I only kissed Taehyung so what? He's mine now, and we will make a perfect family!"

"Whether you like it or not Sana! I'll take responsibility of that child and I'll tell Jennie everything! You just ruined their family!"

"Go ahead and tell her and I'll kill this creature inside me! And I'll blame it all on you and Jennie!"

I felt scared of Samantha all of a sudden. What shall I do now? All I know it's that I'm happy because I can finally be with Jennie again. But I'm scared that Samantha will hurt an innocent child inside her womb.

"What's your plan now hyung?", Jungkook asked.

"I'll tell Jennie first, and I'll be the one to make Samantha tell the truth", I said and a knock was heard on the door.

I signaled Jungkook to open it and he followed, when he opened the door, it revealed Mark.

"What are you doing here?", I asked him.

"I heard your plan about Samantha. I know you're innocent Taehyung, that's why I'm here to help you", I was shocked.

Who wouldn't?

"I thought, you wanted this to happen? That Jennie and I break up?", I asked and he chuckled.

"Before, yes. But as I see and hear how Jennie cries in her sleep because of you, I felt the need to help the both of you, as her friend", I turned silent for a moment and looked in his eyes.

He's telling the truth, I can see it. I smiled and asked for a handshake which he granted.

"Thanks hyung", I said and he smiled.

"Promise me after this, I won't see her cry again okay?", He asked and I nodded.

"I promise"

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