Chapter 15

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Jennie's Pov

When I saw Taehyung peeking from the door, I quickly exit the room. But when I got out, he's nowhere to be seen. Is he mad at me? When I thought he was, I was suddenly pulled to an empty corner where we're covered by a big curtain.

"Why didn't you told me?", I faced him.

"Taehyung, I was going to tell you but....."

"Do you even know how much I missed you? You should've told me! Because I was starting to think that you're avoiding me", he frustratingly said and messed his hair up.

"I'm sorry Taehyung. I didn't mean to, I'll make it up to you, I promise", I said and touched his cheek.

Taehyung just sighed but later on let out a small smirk, I chuckled nervously and was about to move away from him when he suddenly pulled me by my waist.

"You'll make it up to me, right?", He asked and I tapped his shoulder with a nervous smile.

"Hehe, maybe some other time? I need to go", I pushed him but he just hugged my waist tighter.

"Then give me a good-bye kiss", He wriggled his eyebrows and leaned to me.

Our lips we're an inch closer but I put my finger on his lips before it could meet mine.

"What if someone sees us?", I asked and looked down.

He just sighed and slowly let go of my waist before he planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Fine, but I'll see you later okay?", he said and caressed my head before walking away, smoothly.

I touched my head where he just caressed and smiled. I quickly looked around if someone is watching but when I saw that there's none, I immediately run towards our make-up room. Little did I know, at the start of my career, trouble is slowly approaching.


Taehyung and I arrived at my house. He texted me earlier saying he wanted to take me home, even though I wanted to decline because it may be risky,  he still insisted. But now we're alone in his car, we were silent for the whole ride. Is he still mad at me? I got out of his car and I was surprised to see him outside too.

"Do you need anything Tae?", I asked and he cleared his throat.

"Is it okay if I stay the night?", He asked hesitantly and I chuckled.

I walked beside him and entwined our hands.

"Sure, Taemin would love to see you", I replied and he brightened up.

"Thanks JenJen", then he kissed the back of my hand.

"Let's go in?", I offered and then opened the house for us to enter.

I let him sit at the sofa so I could grab him something to drink. When I arrived at the living room, I saw he was holding Taemin's drawing book. I watched him smile whenever he turned to another page.

"He's quite artistic isn't he?", I said as I placed the drink on the table and sat beside him.

"Yup, he is indeed", he replied but when he turned the page, his eyebrows scrunched up.

I peeked at it and laughed, it was a drawing of him and Mark holding hands.

"Taemin sure has a big imagination", I said and he glared at me.

He put down the book and immediately pulled me into a hug. His head on mine and his hands on my waist. I love this feeling, warm yet comfortable.

"Jennie, what do you think of Mark?", He suddenly asked and I looked at him.

Meant To Be (2020)Where stories live. Discover now