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Taehyung's Pov

Finally, the day that I've been waiting for. But, I don't know it could be this painful.

"Ow! Jennie, smile for the camer--- Aw!"

"Why are you----Aaargh! ---recording this?", Jennie asked while gripping on my ear.

"Our little girl is born so---Ow!---- I want her to see this when---Ow! ---she grows up"

"Aaarrggghh! This is all your fault---AARGH!"

"You enjoyed it anyways---OW!"

"Mr. Kim, can you be a bit quiet?", The nurse asked and I nodded my head.

"Aaawww! Jennie I'm trying to be quiet!", I screamed when she bit my hand.

"I can't take it anymore!!"

"Push! Just push it all the way!", I gripped on her hand and one last push, I heard a gentle cry.

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Kim, it's a beautiful and healthy baby girl", the nurse said and gave me my daughter.

"Jennie loo---, oh? You're mom is tired. You made Mommy tired you know", I smiled when she grabbed my finger.

A tear accidentally fell from my eye as I carry our little angel.

"What are you gonna name her Sir?", The nurse asked and wrote something on a paper.

"We're gonna name her Taehee"


"Daddy she's so tiny", Jani, Jackson and Samantha's son said.

It's surprising that Samantha didn't have miscarriage even though she lost so many blood. Jackson supported her while she's in jail and they had a healthy son.

"It's because she just came out son", Jackson explained and Jani just nodded.

"Aw, now I really want to have a baby", Jungkook whined.

"Go ask Lisa", I teased and he blushed.

"Hyung!", He pouted and I just laughed at him.

"Taehyung, can I carry her?", Mark asked and I nodded, giving my baby to Mark.

"Uncle, I wanna see!", Taemin jumped and held onto Mark's knee.

I turned around to face my beautiful fiancé. Well, it turns out the baby came out first before the wedding. I just can't resist you know.

"Let me carry her", BamBam and Jungkook said at the same time.

"Yah, what do you take my daughter for? A puppy?", I glared at the both of them and they sunked down in the corner.

"Okay, I'll give you back to Daddy now", Mark handed me the baby and I cradled her.

"She looks just like her mother", Jin hyung said and pinched her nose.

"But she has her father's nose", I said and Jin hyung just looked at me blankly.

"Jungkook! BamBam! Yugyeom! You maknaes be still!"

"Yah, Mark hyung stop it!"

"Hobie hyung catch me!"

"Jimin don't be such a kid!"

"Yoongi! Who told you to sleep on the floor?"

"Lisa! Please?"

Meant To Be (2020)Where stories live. Discover now