Chapter 7

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Taehyung's Pov

"Aigoo! So cute!", Manager hyung cooed as he lifted Taemin up and down.

"Yah, hyung be careful you might hurt the child", Jin hyung said to manager hyung and rolled his eyes.

I was really scared earlier. I thought manager hyung will burst out and throw Jennie and Taemin out. But instead, he picked Taemin up and played with him. The look on Jennie's face earlier shows fear and I'm not sure but, sadness.

"So, this is the feeling of having a grandchild eh? Hehehe~", I smiled on how Taemin and Manager are so comfortable with each other.

"So, you guys are past lovers?", He asked both Jennie and I.

I looked at Jennie as I entwined our fingers together with a smile.

"And also present lovers hyung", I replied honestly and he put Taemin down gently.

"Jin, take the others and Taemin out for a while, I need to talk to these two", manager hyung said and I felt Jennie squeezed my hand, she's nervous.

When they left, manager hyung looked seriously at me.

"Taehyung, I know you know about our rules. That there's no dating, but I will make a consideration since you two have a child. But I just wanted to keep it that way"

"What do you mean?", I asked manager hyung.

"Just be a father to Taemin, and not a boyfriend to Jennie", when he said that I widened my eyes and so was Jennie's.

"You can't be serious", I mumbled.

"It's in the rules Taehyung. Just keep your relationship with Taemin. But not with Jennie, I hope you understand dear", he pertained to Jennie and she just nodded.

"It's for his career. I respect that sir", she said and I gripped on her hand.

"Jennie", I whispered and she smiled at me.

"I can wait Taehyung. For you and Taemin", she said and I looked down.

"I'm glad you understood Jennie. You're a wise girl", manager hyung smiled at Jennie and she returned it.

"Now, Seokjin! Bring the kid back here!", Manager shouted and I pulled Jennie to my room.

Jennie's Pov

"Taehyung, what are we doing here?", I asked and he gripped on my shoulders.

"You're agreeing to it?", He asked and I just nodded sadly.

"It's for your career Taehyung. I won't risk it just for us to be happy. You've gone this far already, and I don't want to ruin it", I replied honestly to him.

"Or we can keep it a secret", he said.

"What? What do you mean?", I asked.

"I don't want us to be just friends Jennie. There are many guys out there, and also Mark", I'm a bit taken a back when he mentioned Mark.

"Why Mark?", I asked with a glare.

"He's also a guy too Jennie. Friendship doesn't exist between a guy and a girl cause one of them might fall for the other one", he said and I shook my

"You're just paranoid Tae", I chuckled but he still kept that serious face.

"I can see it in his eyes Jennie. He likes you. He might push you with me but there will be a time that he'll confess and when that time comes, you're already mine", he grabbed both of my hands and kissed it.

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