Chapter 17

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Jennie's Pov

"Mark?", I asked, surprised to see him after so long but he just smiled.

"You thought I was someone, right?", He asked and I looked down, feeling guilty.

He's right, I thought that the owner of that warm embrace was Taehyung. Jennie stop thinking about him! He must be having his great time with Naeun and tell lies to people that what they saw was just nothing.

"No! I was just surprised to see you here", I denied and he messed up my hair before chuckling.

"It's late. Let's go in before the two of you could get cold", Mark carried Taemin and dragged me towards the house.

When I entered, Mom immediately hugged me.

"You were so great on your performance Jennie", Mom cheered and I just thanked her.

"Not to mention, she looks so hot. Right Auntie?", Mark winked at me but I just slapped his arm playfully.

"Mommy! Do the 'Oppa' thing again!", Taemin asked but I refused.

"Come on Jennie! We want to see it personally", Mom pouted and I sighed.

"Yeah! Come on Jennie I want to see it again", Mark joined and I rolled my eyes at them.

"I'm not Lisa you know", I mumbled and breathed deeply and,


They went quiet for a moment and I blushed in embarrassment. I just fell for their trick until Taemin shouted.

"Mommy is so cute!"

Then both him and Mark pinched my cheeks. Sometimes, I really feel that I was clinging onto Mark so much when I was still pregnant because Taemin got this habit of him.

"Stop it! My cheeks are already swollen", I complained but they just grinned at each other.

The next thing I knew, is that they both leaned in and kissed either sides of my cheeks.

"Feel better?", Mark asked and caressed my cheek.

I just nodded with a smile. He sure knows how to make me smile with just a simple action. This is the reason why I want Mark to stay with us. To stay with me, but it's selfish of me to ask him that.

"It's late, let's go to sleep", I said and Taemin yawned as if on cue.

"I'll just tuck Taemin to bed", I looked at Mom and Mark and they nodded.

I carried Taemin to his room and put him gently down on the bed. I caressed his hair and hummed a song.

"Mommy, where's Daddy? Taemin misses him", Taemim suddenly asked.

"Um, he's working. I'm sure Daddy misses Taemin too", I replied and he smiled.

"Mommy, be happy with Daddy okay?",  With his words, I felt something stabbed my heart.

"Of course, I'll also be happy with you, my baby", I said and kissed his forehead before he completely fell asleep.

I headed out of his room and noticed that the lights on the living room is off, maybe they're on their rooms too. I walked to my room and took a bath before tucking myself to bed. But, I couldn't sleep. The scene where Taehyung hugged Naeun kept on repeating on my mind. Sometimes I kept on asking myself,

Does Taehyung ever regret he came back?

Just when I was about to stand up, the door opened revealing Mark with his messy hair.

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