Chapter 12: The Tale of the Book

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We followed Laurynn as she carefully stepped past limp arms and legs, ruffling some of the smaller kids' hair. They smiled at her but held frowns as I would pass.

Once we got past some kids and their parents there were many older people.

"They like to call themselves the elders here because they have been playing the game since it began. As you can see, they age fast in the game." Laurynn stated like she read my mind.

After passing the "elders", who the males had very overgrown beards, we came to a large circle. It was about a yard in diameter, and it had blue outlines. No one was sitting on it, and the kids chasing each other would always walk past it.

"Oh wow..." Jessica murmured. She knelt down and her transparent fingers skimmed the blue lines. Everyone who saw her do this gasped.

She stood up, her eyes glued on the circle. "It's the portal to the Serpent..." Jessica murmured. Everyone gasped except Laurynn and me.

"Yes, indeed. Your friend..." Laurynn faced me, "she is down there." She pointed to the circle and I held a blank gaze. It's a circle. Portal? To a serpent? This all sounds like crazy talk! Not this is crazy talk, blah blah blah blah! Blah... no, but what does she mean. I just want to get Helena! I thought.

My mind was racing and Jessica could see it. She held a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll tell you all about what Laurynn means." We sat down on the cold concrete next to the circle and Jessica began her story.

"It started when the book was made. It's in the rules of the book if anyone dare read and become obsessed like your father-"

"He is not my father," I said in a low voice.

"Well, Mr. Harmon. The demons and spirits made the book together. This way they could give those who deserve it power, and if someone unfairly gave someone power, they could call each other out. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. We were talking about the serpent yes?" Jessica said, looking at me but through me at the same time.

"No... I want to know about the book." I whispered. I also wanted to more prepare myself for whatever the serpent was.

"Okay good," Jessica said with a smile. "So, in the making of the book, being the demons they are, the demons started to 'cheat' in a way. They would take innocent people and start to torment them, twist their minds until they killed themselves. The rumor goes if you kill yourself you became a demon, so they could have more people to bribe the spirits. Demons wanted the book to themselves.

"The demons ended up winning. But the spirits were mad. They spent all this hard work and ideas on the book and it wouldn't be theirs. So they made two rules. Whoever were to sacrifice themselves to the book may let out only one demon. But, the demon had to stay and could only talk with the person who let them out.

"So the demons agreed, and off the spirits went with their lives. They mostly kept people from sacrificing themselves, for they knew the demons would have twisted the book into something wicked. But they secretly made a place. A place where people could go if they didn't want to sacrifice themselves. If they didn't want to play the game.

"The demons found out, and since they couldn't undo what the spirits had made, they added something of their own. The Serpent. The Serpent protected those who went in to stay but fought to those who tried to take them out. This was like a fly trap. People could go in, but no one could take them out or get out until they died."When Jessica finished, she looked meaningfully at the circle.

"There is a chance she could be stuck there forever..." Jessica murmured and stood up to join Laurynn, who was talking to a small boy.

I couldn't believe it! Helena could be dead, or gone forever! My best friends are all gone. Jasper in Mr. Harmon. Helena is gone! Violet is across the country, and Bri wants to kill me. What could be worse!


Word Count: 710

I think I'm just going to make short chapters and a longer book because that means more updates faster!

So... yeah :3


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