Chapter 20: Finding Helena

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*Emily's POV*

I woke up in the middle of a snowy field.

That's the most I can describe. It was a field with snow. The sky was... plain white. There was no grass, no trees, no sun or clouds, just snow and myself.

Or what I thought was myself. But I don't think myself would desperately be trying to throw away the ring on my finger.

By now I was so malnourished it was a just a ring. A ring that had no importance to me anymore, it didn't do anything. Sometimes it glowed, but I didn't care.

I have no idea why it is not gone by now. Anytime I'm planning on throwing it out, something comes over me, something tells me the ring is important.

I knew I wasn't myself. I have no idea what happened, I can barely remember my own name. For some reason, I think it is Maldania. But it doesn't feel right. Maybe it's Emily? I don't know anymore.

All I knew was that something was calling me. Facing away from the wind, as I squinted my eyes, I could see something.

Tall... beings. Standing and slightly swaying in the wind, with something loosely swaying below it.

Trees, and tall grass. A forest. Life! I scrambled up from my knees and took a step forward, only for my legs to feel like jelly and go limp. I feel into the snow, my left cheek making contact with the white flakes. My legs were numb from the snow, but I had to go on.

I warmed them up a bit with my shivering hands and my icy breath before standing up again. My legs burst with a fiery pain but I didn't walk, I jogged on.

I watched as the trees grew larger, and I could feel the warmth of something nearby. Maybe that was what was calling my body? Maybe I was just going crazy and imagining things.

After many minutes of jogging and falling into the soft snow, I made it through the woods to a mansion. The snow was now melted around the border of the woods. Bright green grass sprung up and danced in the once cold wind, now warm.

I looked up to the white mansion. Most of its paint had peeled away and the stone pillars were showing. It seemed like a 100-year-old house.

The warmth was coming from inside the building though. The door, that seemed to be ripped off and was now just a door frame, had something glowing inside.

My mind not thinking straight, I headed towards the front of the mansion, my ring glowing a dark, ocean blue. As I walked past the lively roses, I took in the scent. I haven't smelled flowers for the longest time. I wished the peaceful buzzing of bees was here, but it wasn't.

I walked into the doorframe of the small mansion to be underwhelmed. Everything was rotten away and eaten by termites. Blank canvases scattered about, a pile of ashes sat in the corner, leather of book covers sat on top.

Someone was burning books. The smell of ash and smoke was in the air, and some red pieces still burned. But why was someone burning books?

I walked farther into the house to find no furniture. Replaced were pieces of terrible artwork.

Painted animals with its bones showing. Humans with 3D eyes and realistic skin. As stepped closer, I could smell something horrid.

I gasped as I realized it was REAL bones, REAL eyes, and REAL skin. I backed away in disgust, and finally, my mind snapped back into reality.

I was in my father's mansion. His artwork... the books. It all made sense! I have been possessed, and I'm looking for Helena, and the ring on my finger is the one she gave me.

The burned books, someone was trying to burn 'The Book', and they were in here. I suddenly became terrified, and I ran into the oh so familiar kitchen to grab a knife. Everything was still there, the wallpaper (now peeling from the wall), the sink where Caleb would play with rubber duckies, a cabinet filled now with empty chip bags.

As I left with the knife in hand, I heard something from upstairs. I stopped in my tracks and listened closely.

It sounded like quick, light footsteps, then a closet closing. Just like hide and seek. I ran up the stairs and walked into my old bedroom.

The closet was half open, and something glowing inside. I looked at my ring, and it was glowing brighter than I've ever seen it before.

I slinked over to the closet and cautiously opened it.

And inside was a terrified Helena, trying to cover her glowing ring. She slowly looked up at me and her face was filled with relief.

She popped up and engulfed me into a hug, myself hugging her back.

"I've been so worried Helena! Where have you been!" I said, holding back tears. She pulled away and set a hand on my cheek.

"Hiding. Harmon brought me here, I don't know why. Maybe he wanted to keep me for something, maybe it was planned for you to come here." Her eyes filled with love and she pulled close, her breath touching my lips.

"I missed you." She whispered, then pulled away. She looked down to her glowing ring and then to mine.

"And I've missed you! Once I get you back, I have the feeling we aren't going to be done." I said and took Helena's hand.

She grabbed my other one. "Then let's get back as soon as possible."

We held tightly to each other's hands and closed our eye tightly, thinking of the apartment. It was time to teleport back.


Chapter 20!

Book is almost done! (I already have plans for the next one ;P)


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