Chapter 14: Shadows

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*Emily's POV*

As we descended into the hole, leaving injured players behind, I exhaled. I didn't want to regret my decision, but I think I was.

The hole above us closed and surrounded us in darkness. My eyes couldn't adjust.

"What have I done..." Laurynn whispered to herself. Jessica let out a sigh and I felt her put her hand on my shoulder.

Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, who is going to watch the survivors. What if Laurynn dies! Who will watch the survivors?!

Jessica had a point. But I had to save Helena. She was my best friend, I couldn't just let her die.

The ground rumbled to a stop. The wall in front of us crumbled down, letting a dim red glow.

We stepped forward into the hallway, which was lined with impossible green, soft grass. Growing underground? There were a few flowers here and there. As I looked up, I saw a red sun...

"This place is weird," I whispered.

Of course it is, Emily. Jessica replied sarcastically.

As we started to walk down the hallway, I saw some shadows lurking in the darkness.

"Hey.. do you guys see the shadows?" I asked. I traced my finger along the wall but I didn't break my gaze off of the shadows.

"Uh, what shadows, Emily? Laurynn asked.

I think I might just be going insane... I said to myself sarcastically.

~Cheyanne's POV~

"Where the hell did she go!" Jasper yelled.

"I-I don't know.." I stuttered.

Jasper was always this way whenever he got angry. Sometimes the demon took over and made him do things I wouldn't ever think he would do.

"You're going down there to get her." He replied.

"But..." I mumbled.

"GO!" He yelled in his demonic voice.

I think the demon is back... So, where's Emily? Oh, wait! I can just teleport to her... I think.

I concentrated hard. Emily's body fizzled into view, but then disappeared. It did this a couple of times before I gave up.

Dammit, it's not working! I guess I'll have to find her manually.

~Emily's POV~

"Guys... Are you sure you don't see the shadows?" I shuddered. They moved in the distance, like they tried to reach out but there was some kind of barrier.

"No, Emily, now shush. We need to find Helena, right?" Laurynn replied.

As we were walking down the hallway, I saw something glow on my finger. It was a ring, it reminded me of the ring I took from Helena a while ago during the game when Mr.Harmon was finally gone.

"Guys.." I fretted as I held up my finger with the glowing ring on it.

"What, Emily?" Jessica gasped as she saw my finger, "Wait... Emily.. Is that-"

"I- I think so," I stuttered.

"How the hell do you have that!" Jessica sputtered, "Wait.. why is it glowing?"

"I dunno," I replied, "Maybe it can help us find Helena!" I touched it and it lit up, it seemed almost as bright as the sun. Then the glow fluttered and went out. A pounding slowly started to grow in my head.

"Gah!" I whined as I gripped my head and fell to the ground on my knees

"Emily!" Laurynn an Emily exclaimed, "Are you alright?"

"It's my-" I stopped, "My head-"

I fell to the ground once more. As I was trying to get up, I saw the shadows again. Still in pain, I went towards one.

"Emily, what are you doing?"

"I can see the shadows," I mumbled.

As the pain started to go away, I saw a figure that looked like Helena. But, before I could get any closer, everything went dark and I fell to the ground.

"Emily!" Laurynn and Jessica screamed.

~Chey POV~

Maybe I can take over his body and make her come towards me? I said to myself.

As I walked into the kitchen, I saw a trapdoor leading somewhere. It was amazingly hidden into the floor, I was surprised I never noticed it before.

"But where is Emily? I felt her presence somewhere around here." I mumbled to myself.

Maybe she's down there. I said to myself.

I started to climb down the trapdoor. As I got down further, I was able to smell the damp air. Once I reached the ground, I hopped off the ladder and landed on the ground. I was faced with a somewhat bright room that held hundreds of people. Some were young, some very, very old.

"Where is Emily?" I yelled.

"Hmm, you mean the girl who was just here?" A girl with black hair replied, "She went through the portal to the serpent, the circle, a while ago looking for someone."

"She did what!?" I boomed as I ran towards the circle looking around, "I swear, Emily, if you die, Jasper is going to kill me."

As I walked onto the circle, it's blue lines lit up and flashed. Everyone looked over to me, and one little girl waddled over.

"Good luck." She said in a squeaky voice. I smiled and waved to her as I descended down the hole.

God Emily... please be alive...

As long as she didn't see the shadows...



Thank you Chey9267, for she wrote like, all of this chapter xD

*Guys I'm going to start writing a book on my main account! It's called Experiment 107 and It's about what would happen if someone depressed, someone anorexic, and someone popular become best friends. So if you are interested I'm going to be working on it right after I post this new update. So yeah!*


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