Chapter 13: To Find Helena

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*Cheyanne's POV*

"Chey where the hell is she!" Jasper practically screamed, pacing back and forth.

"I told you I don't know! I can only know where she is if I'm close!" I said staring Jasper in his dead eyes.

"Fine! What do we do!" He said, now his face turning red. "I spend all this time waiting for her and she just goes POOF!" Jasper's fists were balled and he was practically hyperventilating. Then Bri walked in.

"Hey. Can I go now." She said, scrolling through Wishbone on her phone. "The only reason I'm here is because Jessica was so excited to scope out this murder scene and all of a sudden I need to kill people." She blew a piece of bubblegum in her mouth.

"NO!" Jasper shouted in a stern voice. I jumped and turned completely invisible for a second, then slowly faded back.

"Not until Emily is either dead or with us and the book," Jasper said and stormed out of the room. Now Bri and I were just here.

"Okay but why. Why does Emily need to die so bad? And what the hell is this book." Bri stared at me, waiting for answers.

"He hurt her before. Ignore the book..." I said. Bri rolled her eyes and also left.

Emily can you just get back before one of these guys try to kill me again.

*Laurynn's POV*

I looked out of the corner of my eyes and say Emily sitting on the floor mournfully, staring at the circle. I excused myself from Dan, a young boy who had just came down a couple days ago, and walked over to Jessica.

"So..." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"I don't know. But we should know in a bit." Jessica replied, pushed her blonde hair behind her ear. Her hair was straight and smooth while mine was a curly mess. God, I wished I had straight hair.

"It's not that easy to take care of, to be honest," Jessica said. I jumped a bit and her face held a smile.

"You said that out loud... about your hair. It really isn't, but I can imagine it being worse." Jessica stated. I nodded and sat down. Jessica sat down next to me.

We made small talk as we could see Emily murmuring to herself. Her face was red and puffy, so either she was crying or was trying not to cry. Poor girl.


After a while I could hear voices rise. Some called my name. Others said things like "What is she doing." "She doesn't dare!" "No way!"

I looked over to where everyone else was looking and saw Emily in the middle of the circle, tracing her foot around the blue lines.

I popped up and practically sprinted to her.

"EMILY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" But it was too late.

The blue illuminated and flashed, almost mesmerizing. Emily took in a deep breath as the ground shook and the ground in the circle opened.

Suddenly Jessica appeared by her. As the ground opened up many scooted away, but some also said good luck. Most said they were crazy.

As they descended into the ground, I gave a light wave. But then I hopped.

I hopped over the blue line and joined them. If they needed any help finding Helena... they needed me.

*Jasper's POV*

I paced back and forth in the larger bedroom, thinking of what to do.

Why don't you just force her to get her? A voice inside my head said. But it wasn't me.

"No... I can't do that. I can't control someone innocent."

Oh, you've done it before. Controlling someone is less severe than killing someone, which you are going to do might I add.

"Quit it. You aren't the one who makes decisions around here."

I quiet am when it comes to the rules of the book. After all, I can control you if I wanted to.

That made me stop. I was quiet for a moment, standing in the middle of the bedroom. So many thoughts cluttered my mind.

"You took me into the book unfairly!"

There are no spirits to say we did. The voice said in an evil tone.

"Doesn't matter. I didn't even read the book!" I said. I wished with all my might this hadn't have happened. Looping between Jasper and Harmon, it wasn't fun. Emily couldn't trust me anymore, especially since it's my job to kill her.

But I loved her. There was no way a sweet, terrified girl like Emily would dare love someone like me. It was impossible now.

I may be evil and cruel sometimes... but it doesn't mean I can't love.

I sighed and sat on the wood floor, pondering over the thought of my precious Emily.


With these short chapters, there MAY be 1-2 new chapters per day! Except on weekends. No promises though.

Word count: 781


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