Chapter X 3

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Yay okay, so another chapter. Jeez, I had to pep talk myself into doing a chapter again! I'm quite nervous! Anyways enjoy!
Also, I'm assuming at the base you have small rooms for each member kinda like the Akatsuki in the anime Naruto (Highly recommend, It's on Netflix go watch)
But if it's not like that then heck, Whatever its a fanfiction- FICTION Made by Moi, A FAN.
-And just so ya know the first scene starts in Tris and Amana's shared room (They are like roommates) Chrollo thought it would be fine cause 1: Amana would most likely want to stay with Tris, Based on her protective behaviour (True) 2: And they had stayed in a coffin together for millions or years so what's a room? (Also true)

(Also the picture is Uvogin gender bend but like... It's the only fluffy coat I could find that matched what I was thinking... But like ignore the girl. The fluffy coat is bigger though and longer just like... It's giant. )
(The song is also something I listened to a lot while writing this- I swear I pick a new song every time I write a chapter.)


3rd X P.O.V:

"Get your goddamn foot out of my face" A brunette growled swatting the pale foot away from her facial regions.

"Make me" Came back the muffled response, Most likely cause the person's head was shoved in some pillows and blankets.

The person smirked reeling back her foot and quickly springing it out kicking the other out of the bed making the girl who shoved her foot in the others face tumble onto the floor in a bundle of blankets with a loud thump.

The girl on the floor peered over the pile of blankets up at the brunette on the bed who was still snuggled under the blankets with a smirk spread across her face- From afar the girls face only looked pale and plain, To her it looked plain anyway but if you looked closely you could see faded small scars on her face.

The girl on the floor huffed, Annoyed and turned over refusing to show her discomfort as she closed her eyes attempted to sleep on the cold floor, Shunning the girl.

The girl on the bed frowned, Rustling was heard as the girl got up from the comfy bed and walked over to the bundle on the floor,  Bending down and picking her up like a child and plopping the surprised woman in the bed curling up beside her and wrapping her arms around the cocoon stuffing her head into the girls shoulder and mumbling a sorry.

The girl was not used to having small fights with her only friend. And though the monster of a woman had tough skin and a sort of coldness in her eyes she was very sensitive when it came to her friends... Or should I say, Friend... The only one she had ever known... Besides maybe one family member... But he has long passed.

And so she was set, Even maybe desperate to keep her one friend, And even slight unhappiness from said person would make the girl upset.

So the loving female pulled the slightly annoyed female into her chest curling her arms around the bundle protectively.

"You know it'd be nice if I could breath" The bundle wheezed.

The girl loosened her grip a bit and the bundle gasped in some air slightly dramatically.
"Now if you'd let go that'd be great I'm overheating" Grumbled the girl.

But the female did not budge muttering that'd she'd need to get over it cause she was comfy with her in her arms. 

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