Chapter X 25

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This is irrelevant but cute... So... SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh. Also, listen to the song IT'S PRETTY NEATO.


Tris's X P.O.V:

Once I had disposed of that oaf I turned and walked away without a second thought. "W-Wait!" A small voice called after me. I glanced over my shoulder boredly at the small child who stumbled after me. "What kid?" I wasn't usually this cold... It's just... This kid, I can't be making attachments. It's bad enough Amana has grown to like Gon- Hell, even I have a soft spot for that kid. We can't drag more innocent souls into the equation. No more innocent lives need to be taken. It would push Amana over the edge. Even I wouldn't be stable loosing any more of the people I love...Who would be?

"Can I- Can I come with you? P-Please?" Her lip quivered under my steal gaze. I was trying my hardest to not reveal my hidden sympathy for the kid. My eyes danced over her scrapes and bruises that lined her delicate skin. I examined the tears in her eyes. "Why should I let you tag along squirt?" I replied harshly. Trying my best to shoo them away. "Leave already, Why are you still here?" I turned "I do not have time to babysit."

Just as I was going to walk away I heard a huff of breath "Hey! I'm not short!" I blinked rapidly, Going over her words. Maybe I had heard her wrong. Turning around I asked, "What did you say?" She stomped her foot on the ground, Her hair moving with her. "I'm. Not. Short." Really? Just a second ago she was crying. Now there is no evidence of such in her eyes and she's mad. What.

The child continued, Mumbling under her breath, Her cheeks turning red- With anger? "You're one to talk! You're not much taller yourself for being older than me! What are you? A teenager?" It was my turn to get offended. I put her hands up in surrender. "Woah, Woah. Sorry kid jeez!" The kid's attitude changed instantly. "I'm sorry..." She looked at her feet, Her hands playing with the end of her green dress.

"I didn't mean to shout." Her lip quivered. "I-I..."

I sweatdropped. Tears were pouring out of the kid's eyes like waterfalls as she fumbled over herself. This girl acted way too dramatic for me to handle. I was possibly the worst person with children. 'Ahh! Where the hell is the off button!?' Her tears and babbles quickly turned into full out sobbing. As I stepped to get closer, Crouching down to her level. I shhed "Shh... I-It's okay." I tried to soothe her like those baby whisperers do.

It. Didn't. Work.

She tilted her head back letting out a giant ugly wail. "WHAAA!" The force and surprise made me fall over, My legs twitching comically.

Just then a giant brown blur jumped out from the forest. Relief caused me to let out a small laugh, As I crawled over to my friend. "PLEASE!" I cried above the noise "PLEASE SHUT HER UP! EAT HER I DON'T CARE!" I grasped her paws, Groveling at her feet. Of course, It was a lie. I would never want Amana to eat a child but the ringing in my ears made me speak rashly. Amana looked down at me with a raised brow. "THIS CHILD HAS THE VOCALS OF AN OPERA SINGER! PLEASE" I sobbed "SPARE ME!"

Amana rolled her eyes, Her ears flattened to her head to try and block the sound. She loomed over the girl, Her shadow coving the girl who had her eyes clamped shut with her little chubby hands, Tears rushing down her cheeks like rivers. How Amana could stand that close to that noise with those sensitive ears was beyond me. If she did not make this I would never let her memory fade. I would tell the tales of the brave warrior who gave her life to shut up thi-

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