Chester X Bennington

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From the title, I think most of you know what this is about. 
You don't HAVE to read this author's note but... You can. I just need to vent.

If you didn't know, Chester was the lead singer of the band, Linkin Park. 
I myself didn't listen to much of Linkin Park and I didn't listen to it all the time but it was still a band I loved. 

Chester died from suicide. A horrible way to go...
And I just want to say sorry to all those who have lost him, His fans, His Family. 
The world itself lost an amazing person today and it's truly tragic. 

It just reminds you how fast life can just slip away. 
How fast your world can crumble and crack. 
What emotions and inner torture can drive you to do...

It's sickening and it makes me light headed to think about... Life, It's so precious and you need to hold onto it. Even if the world seems to be falling around you. Even if it seems you have no shoulder to cry on and someone to listen to you... You need to hold on. Life can be so beautiful- True, It can be dark but it's like Yin and Yang. Good and bad. You need to push through the bad and look on to the good. I know it's not that easy. I know. But you can't give up. If anyone needs me just talk to me. I'm a person and I understand the need to talk.

Don't think of me as a superior but as equal. Me and you, We breathe the same air and walk on the same earth. We both have responsibilities- Some bigger than others but all the same responsibilities. I am not that great with getting out my feelings but I hope you understand my meaning and besides the fact that the world can be gloomy that you have a good day. 

You all are beautiful in your own way and in different perspectives. Just, Sit down... Stop your mind and breath. Think about the beauty of this dark world, The love, And peace. The little things. How the petals on a flower look or the fact that you can breathe today. 

No one means nothing. Everyone amounts to something of true beauty. 
Have a wonderful day.

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