Chapter X 17

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Shiz 'bout to get real.


✧ "Why, What a pleasant surprise... I never expected to see you again Amana-Sama"
His swirl of purple eyes pierced my own, Making my head reel with panic.
I gulped "Same to you..." My voice came out stronger than I expected it to, It sounded cold and cool like I was in control- Like how it used to be. Which clashed against how I was feeling at this moment, Inside I felt like I wanted to fall to the ground and curl up into a ball, Shivering in my own fear.

'Why him whyhimwhyhimwhyhimwhyhimwhyhimwhyhimwhyhim W H Y H I M✧ 

I stood in front of the man that helped ruin my life my heart echoing in my ears.
"Looks like your scars have healed Amana-Sama" He mocked, Swiping a hand through his untidy dark purple hair.

My jaw clenched angrily as the scenes flashed through my mind. Anger swelled in my stomach like a fire, Quickly consuming my earlier fear.
I stood up straighter narrowing my eyes. "Watch your tongue, Before I rip it out of your skull  Raul" 

He started walking around me shaking his head "I believe you're in no position to order me around anymore."

My head turned, Following his movements "You know, For one of the most intelligent warriors your actions clash. Let's get this over with so I can shed some family blood." I snarl. 

"But of course, You just love shedding blood don't you puppet? Especially if it's for your dear fathe-"

A loud growl erupted from my throat as I bared my teeth at Raul, Appearing in front of him and punching him square in the face. To my pleasure, He lands on one of the concrete wall causing veins of cracks to crawl up from the impact. "Don't you dare speak of him in front of me you rat"

I noticed my hands start to shake as I try to control my anger, My nails were elongated, No doubt so were my teeth. A chuckle shook the body of the man I attacked as he rose up, Looking at me with amusement dancing in his bright purple eyes as he wiped the blood dripping from his mouth, Smearing it on his chin.

"Y-You've always had a little bit of your father's temper, It's always amusing to watch you turn into him." I walked over lifting him up by the collar of his dirty shirt "Are you deaf? I thought I said to never speak of him." With that I smashed his head so hard into the wall it made a dent. Of course, It wasn't that easy to kill our kind. 

I had to back away when he decided to turn all wolf shit on me. "Shit..." I murmured under my breath. It wasn't likely that I'd have a good chance with him in his wolf form if I was in human form. 

Fuck it. My fur coat dress stretched and the belt holding the make shift dress tore, Snapping and falling to the ground. My bones shifted and my skin tore and stretched uncomfortably. When I first shifted it felt like I was being tortured, Now, It's easier. I never thought I'd get used to it...

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