Chapter X 23

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3rd X P.O.V:

The night was usually a peaceful time for the animals that inhabited Zevil Island. Most were all tucked away in their burrows of dirt; hidden within the tall blades of grass swaying along side the small button top mushrooms or snuggled beside their brothers and sisters in a nest that was wedged nicely in a hole or twist of a branch in a tree that was surrounded by others, The leaves block the  cool wind that would stir the small things from their sleep. 

Yes, usually the animals had a lovely rest on their quiet island listening to the waves of the ocean as they crashed along its rocky sides in a silky song but for tonight some of the small critters would wake from the shrill horrified screams of other applicants that echoed around trees to reach the sharp ears of others, others including a dark brown wolf situated at the base of a tree. The bones of a deer resting beside the paws of the oddly sized predator; the clean bones glinted in the bright moonlight, all flesh cleaned from the bones. Not a scrap wasted by the resourceful animal that had hunted it. It's sharp bloody antlers tossed to the side.

The wolf that laid stiffly beside the bones was Amana. She had found herself in trouble when unexpectedly her prey turned and pierced his sharp antlers into her neck. Normally it would not affect the tough animal but luck was not on her side as the antlers hit a weak spot of hers. 
The natural bones of the buck digging into soft painful scar tissue breaking open a very old wound. 

At the moment the wolves ears swiveled around without rest, trying to catch the slightest rustle in the bushes near her and the smallest heartbeat of the tiniest mouse that ran along the ground. The wolf was worried in her wounded state. Many things could happen to her at this moment. All of those moments swarmed in her mind like angry hornets. With each thought, she tried to come up with a solution. 

The dark fur of Amana bristled as she caught movement, her ears zoned in on the spot, her eyes wide to catch any movement. Her lips pulled back as a small paw made its way out of the bushes, Its sharp eyes connecting with the wolves bright topaz. The small predator of the night had smelt the blood seeping from Amanas neck and had brought friends. 


Amana's X P.O.V:

My lips pulled back to snarl savagely at the narrow faced cousin of mine. My ears twitched as cackling, howls, and yips were voiced all around me. I was in trouble. From what I could hear it was a whole pack of the mangey scavengers that had surrounded me and it was all because of a small scratch. .... Okay, Maybe it wasn't small... Maybe at this moment, I was lucky to be alive but still.

 With ragged breaths, I heaved myself painfully on my paws. Lowering my head to growl lowly at the skinny thing challenging me. The cackles of my cousins were unnerving to say the least. I stared into what I assume was the eyes of the alpha, the narrow snout of the larger coyote had a long scar and a crooked jaw, It's tinted teeth pushed past its lips gruesomely as it stared me down. The fur on the back of my spine bristled as I lunged forward, snapping my jaws right beside the alphas ears. It skittered away just in time, slinking around the side of my body, I turned, keeping eye contact with the alpha as it circled around me. 

A vicious snarl rumbled in my throat, threatening it when suddenly a rustle was heard and a coyote pushed itself from the dark bushes into the air aiming to jump on my back as it was turned towards their leader. I quickly spun around, swatting it with my paw. It hit the ground with a painful yelp and then rose, running into the dark underbrush.

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