Chapter X 19

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I hope you all like this really soon update I guess I was just inspired by a wonderful person :3 - Sorry if it's a bit sloppy, I went over it a couple times but it's late so I might have drifted over a mistake or two.


Amana's X P.O.V:

After Hisoka's gruesome, Vengeful, One-sided 'battle' another stone door lifted, My delicate ears twitched at the loud grinding sound that sent a low echoed rippling through the surrounding area, I ushered Tris into the room, Her face pressed into my chest. It wasn't that she couldn't handle the gore, It was that I didn't want Tris to be as scarred as I am. I feared to add more nightmares lurking in her mind, I wanted it to stay with a little bit of a bright perspective and light hearted laughter.- Even if that's near impossible in such a world.

And so, as we walked by the gruesome scene of a man who chose the wrong person to pick revenge with, My nose filled with a strong unmistakable metallic scent- It was good that I wasn't that hungry because I didn't want to make Tris endure the scene of me tearing apart someone's flesh again. Eccpessically so violently as I had. 

We all walk down the tight hallway, Hisoka was walking hard on my heels which made me a little uneasy to have my back turned to him, Especially after the bloody battle we witnessed. I didn't want to take the chance that Hisoka was riled up- Which was a very massive chance, The twisted way to his mind would not aid in his train of thought. Though I'm sure a man like him keeps himself calm- In a psychotic way.

My mind was so busy worrying about that snake slithering behind me I didn't notice the dim of lights as we walked that left the place in complete darkness and a very vital fact until it happened.

One moment my paws were touching the ground, Next they found themselves hitting the air, The floor of the hallway had vanished. I quickly turned, My fast reflexes saving my hide as I Scrambled up the side of the floor, My claws latching onto the side, I heaved myself up. 

With a slightly panicked mind, I gave myself an internal scold. Turning around so I could look through the dark at the place I almost fell to my death. 

I found that there was only a small walk way in this pitch black darkness. I, With my skilled eyes now focusing- Saw the slim road, If you happened to step off the little path you'd fall to your death. It would be difficult to direct everyone through the hallway when they couldn't see where they were going- It seemed I being possibly the only one with such sharp eyesight who could see through such thick darkness.

I growled under my breath at my choices. Either I could walk to the end of the hallway and direct them the exact amount of steps to make it. Or... 

I laid myself down on my stomach, Turning to a startled Tris who couldn't see what had happened, I touched her with my nose. 

A little jumpy at the sounds of my claws scraping against the cement to claw myself up she stepped back a bit, Surprised at the sudden touch of my cold snout. She reached out her hands petting it- Calming her nerves. "What happened Amana?" She asked in a cautious voice, Holding onto my snout as if I was a wall of support in the darkness. Like a blind person clutching their cane with wavering hands.

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