Chapter X 22

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To get away from the people and get myself some space I had moved away from the crowd, Careful not to tip the boat, Tris following. The large number of people around was unnerving in my hungry state too. I think Tris was relieved she wouldn't have to calm me down at every hungry thought. After a while of bathing in the sun, Gon had walked up here and joined us. Saying a brief hello before leaving us to get some peace and sitting by himself to the side. I laid down, Shutting my eyes, I was no longer tired because of all the sleep I caught up with in Trick Tower so I just rested in the sun. It was nice to be able to feel the heat of the sunlight. A few minutes passed and the pitter patter of feet had made my ears twitch, I peek through one of my eyelids to see a mop of white spiky hair. 'Oh, The brat.'

"What are you two doing here?" Not in the mood for his sass, I closed my eyes, A small growl vibrating in my throat "We're minding our business brat, Unlike you." Tris hit my side. "Amana I know whatever you just said was not nice so I suggest you apologize." My body shook with a heavy fit of laughter which sounded like an odd mix of a cackle and a growl. I could feel her roll her eyes. "We've come here just to get out of the crowd. Too many people and not enough space for Amana." He nodded accepting the answer before making his way to Gon and chatting up a storm with him. His dark blue eyes seeming to light up. I peeked at them every so often. A fond light of affection fluttering in my cold heart. Their friendship reminded me greatly of Tris and I. I sighed wistfully remembering the days, The days where I had finally found that light I was searching for. A light that supported my broken and beaten heart and loved me no matter if I had looked like a mangy scarred mutt. She accepted me. She loved me. And I can't believe she still does. I turned my head to look at Tris who was staring at the blue sky and the fluffy clouds that drifted by. She was happy to be out of the ground, As was I. I closed my eyes, Holding on to the feeling that Gon and Killuas friendship brought me.

My ears twitched, A piece of the conversation pulling me out of my daze. "Number 44 is... Really? You've got seriously bad luck..." Killuas voice hit my ears. '44...Hisoka!?' My mind raced, 'Gon? With Hisoka as a target!?' with my mind fumbling over itself with so many emotions; Protectiveness, Anger, Fear... I missed the rest of the conversation. By the time I looked back at the two, Killua had taken his ... Blank of wood with wheels and left.

I lifted my head "Hey Gon!" I tried to call him over but it came out in a bark. I was getting tired of not being able to communicate... But the other way was too painful... My bark worked and his head snapped over to my direction. I barked at him again "Come here." Thankfully, Tris helped me out, Peering around my paw. "I think Amana wants you over here Gon." Quickly, The little ball of sunshine made his way over, Stopping by my paw.

"Hey, Amana-Chan!" I nodded back at him, He gazed up at me with admiration in his big chocolate colored eyes and it set in my mind that if I really wanted to communicate this would be easier. I sighed. My vocals shifted painfully in my throat, The skin moving to allow things to twist. I grunted at the indescribable pain in my throat, My claws digging into the wood. Gon innocently narrowed his eyes at me in concern. "Amana-Chan? Are you alright?"

Once everything was shifted into place it was still painful, I carefully stretched my neck. Wincing at a bolt of pain. "Y-Yes..." I cleared my throat, It was scratchy and sounded like I hadn't had a drink in years. "I'm alright..." I reassured the small child. "Woah!" He gasped. "I didn't know you could speak!" He leaned against my paw to get a better look at my face. I leaned down, Tilting my head. "Yes, I can speak. It's just really painful. Now, The whole reason I went through that." He waited patiently for me to continue. Eager for what was so important. 

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