X !Halloween X Special! X

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I recemend this lovely Koto music as you read!

First, I'd like to apologize for being just a tad late with this Halloween Special. I had a difficult time of it yesterday and had fallen asleep without a second thought. It slipped my mind that had I this chapter tucked away. 

I hope you enjoy the chapter, I do not think it my best work but I do hope you like a different view of Amana and Tris. :) 
If you have any opinions please comment! I'm welcome to constructive criticism!
One more thing, PLEASE, take this with a grain of salt OR EVEN A TEASPOON. 
I'm not sure on how I wanted the characters to act so if it contrasts with the revised version- You'd need to forgive me. I had made this BEFORE I had even started the first chapter of the revised one. (I'm not referring to it by any name because I've been trying to come up with a better suiting title for it!) 

Again, I hope you enjoy and leave a comment about what you think. Also, Happy Halloween!- Er... The day after... I hope you all ate your candy wisely and didn't eat all of it in one go! That would, after all, result in a horrible stomach ache! DRINK WATER!!! IT HAS MAGIC HEALING PROPERTIES!!!



On an October night, a small girl walked along the cobblestone streets of a busy town. People rushed past her in odd costumes with plastic fangs between their teeth and face paint smeared on their cheeks. Even if the girl didn't quite understand the purpose of their curious actions she kept herself composed as she walked past store windows that reflected the shine and glimmer of the orange lanterns hanging over the heads of pedestrians. Her eyes quickly found themselves wondering away from the windows to the decorations and clearly fake apparel worn by chatting people who seemed to travel in groups with small buckets or pillowcases in their hands, the bags containing something that rustled.

As she took in the dazzling lights her jaw slacked as wonder brewed in her stomach, her face seemed to relax from its stone-like case. 'What are these feelings?' Suddenly she felt as if she was floating as she looked at the scenery around her. Losing control of her cool facade she sucked in a sharp intake of breath as she found her head turning and craning to get a glimpse of everything, she feared she may never see anything as marvelous as this display of bright color and laughter again in her life. 'What is this?' The scent of sweets invaded her senses. She was captivated by everything.

To say the least, the girl was overwhelmed by this flood of newfound emotion and the array of colors she's never experienced- Shining even brighter against the black night sky. The girl who was only supposed to pick up some herbs for her mother was now veering off her path to the herb stand and now wondering towards the brightest lights and the most breathtaking outfits. The girl felt rather formal in her own black kimono with a simple white sash around her waist in a bow fashion while being surrounded by these silly faces and bright smiles. Whilst tripping over herself to get a view of everything, the normally attentive girl crashed shoulders with someone but was so captivated in wonder she didn't even glance their way or utter an apology.

"Hey!" A small voice squawked. Snapped out of her daze the girl turned her head to look over her shoulder- Barely able to pull her gaze from the alien-like items and clothing. "Yes?" She asked, rather annoyed to be disturbed from her daydreaming. She came face to face with a child no bigger than her, Fashioned in a full body black suit with a red sash tied securely around her waist and a mock samurai sword in a cheap rubber holster, the girl seemed distressed as she stuck a finger on the ground towards a muddy pillowcase that now lay on the street with its contents littered around it like bright confetti.

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