Chapter X 4

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OKAAAAAY so extra long just for your guys!
(Also the picture above is the brand they talk about later on)
Hope you like the chapter and song I recommend listening to it! Enjoy!


Flash X Back: 
3rd X P.O.V:

A dark brown wolf limped through the bushes panting heavily, It's long torn ears alert and swiveling back and forth searching for any threat called to it by its dripping blood and vulnerability. 
The wolf as big as any normal wolf was actually fairly young and was just banished from her Pack, Her family. 

She inwardly scoffs at the word.

Who needs it...

She couldn't ignore the tugging of hurt in her chest as she recalled the moments, Slashing her mind like the teeth of a million wolves. She was betrayed by those who she thought loved her. But they had turned around labeled her a traitor and pressed the symbol of the traitor into her shoulder, Into her mind. 

She bent over licking her deep wound on her hindleg enforced by the razor sharp claws of her own father, That bastard... Well, He wasn't a bastard logically... But illogically HE WAS A BASTARD.

She winced as her rough tongue ran over the wound like sandpaper. Laying down she rested her head on her paws feeling the crystal tied around her neck dig into her skin, She wasn't bothered by it as her eyelids drooped in exhaustion and her chest bumped up and down. She had ran for miles on and on for hours on end with wounds marking her body everywhere. Blood dripping a trail. She was surprised she hadn't passed out.

She suddenly bolted up when hearing the bushes nearby rustle with movement ignoring the searing pain blasting through her body from the brand and the multiple wounds as she made such a movement, She was trained to not show an enemy weakness, To stand tall and proud! To honor her pack! 

She faltered.
'What's to honor anymore? She thought.
I have no pack.
No loved ones to honor.'

The strings of her heart pulled in longing to be comforted by her family. Tears stung her glowing Yellow eyes she inherited from her mother.
She may look old, Like a mature wolf.
But she was young, A simple young pup when the elders decided she was a traitor and banned her from setting claw in the village again.

She put on a stoic facade as a figure stepped out of the bushes.
It was a young girl with long light brown reddish curly hair that flowed down her back she wore a giant pink poofy dress with diamonds lining the start of the ruffles. In her hair, She wore a pink bow. Her outfit looked very expensive but she didn't seem to care as she got the dress dirty walking through the mud with twigs poking out of her hair.

Her beautiful eyes staring at the wolf with awe. No fear evident.
Her awe turned into worry when her unique blue green brown orbs rested on the bloodied spiky fur of the wolf. 

The girl placed a tiny surprisingly bare foot forward causing the wolf to release a growl of warning. 'Stay Back!' 
Seeming to almost ignore the wolf she rose a hand and the wolf flinched remembering when the claw of her older brother was forced to be raised upon her face. 

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