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Sadly... I have been thinking about leaving this here for now. I want to completely redo everything. I'm not happy with how some things have turned out. When I started this story I jumped into it without a plan. Just a base. "Two misunderstood friends in a coffin- locked away because people are scared of them... Oh! How about the troupe finds them!" It was foolish of me. I've been balancing this story on a thread.  Whenever I see a mistake I stress over how I could fix it but the only solution may have a ripple effect and might tip things off the scale.

That is why I am hesitant to continue. I've never thought of myself to be the sort of person to like everything perfect but with books I'm different. I've dreamed of having a beautiful story with plot-twists and cynical characters. People who you wouldn't expect. I wanted to make something new and thrilling! You can't do that without a proper plan. I was doomed once I had begun. So that is why... With a heavy heart I must discontinue this story if I wish it to be as glorified as I've imagined. I've had an amazing experience. I really have. I've met new extraordinary people with minds that blew me away. I owe them thanks. I owe all of you thanks. It's been hard and stressful but I've pushed through to 27 chapters! 27! I just... I- 


It's been an experience I could never replace. I've grown as a writer from this. I know I have. You can even see as I progressively expand my vocabulary and grammar. It really has changed me. It started as an idea. Just a mere spark of imagination and now I'm here. It was difficult. I was always pacing back and forth in my own mind "Is this okay? Did I make a mistake in the chapter?" 

Just now I can bearly breath. From excitement? Shame? Anxiety? All? I'm not sure. All I know for certain is that I don't regret each and every single second of everything here. Please don't think of this as me quitting. I'm expanding. Upgrading. I'm leaving this chapter of my adventure and starting anew. I will still be active on my account and on my other short stories. In the meantime I will be working on DemonXTwins and just so you don't worry too much I'd like you to know that the plot will mostly stay the same- Though I can't promise that. Things will change but hopefully for the better. The characters. Tris, Amana... Even the ones we've briefly touched on like Amana's father and mother will expand and shift. 

I do have really big plans for this story. Really big plans. Things I can't even wrap my own head around and barely have words to express. My head is buzzing with new ideas constantly. I'll be doing something completely off topic of my story and a thought to progress my story will pop into my head, I assure you even if I tried I could never stop thinking of ways to improve. 

 It's hard to say when DemonXTwins will come back. Maybe when I've completed the whole story in a draft? Maybe halfway? I'm not sure but I know it'll be hard to keep me from the temptation of publishing before It's complete. Oh yes, It's going to take a lot of willpower not to click the publish button.

For all my friends, As I said before I still will be active. I just won't be publishing anymore from this story. Text me! Chat with me! You are my friends and I love hearing from you! You all brighten my day and make me smile. If you have any ideas for my story message me about it and I'll do the same to you (If you happen to have a story on going) We will aid one another. I just want to also say that you have helped me with all of this. I really couldn't do this without every one of you. Some have inspired me others have supported me some have done both! And that's all I could ever ask for. You all warm my heart and you mean a lot to me. 

If I've let anything at all out and you are curious about something text me in the comment or in private I'd like to put your mind to rest. 

Besides all this about me expanding and improving myself and my skills... I want you to know I am sorry for this abrupt halt. I know I'd be awfully disheartened to know that an author on Wattpad has discontinued/Stopped publishing their story. I know this is hard. This is really hard for me even though I'm trying to stay positive. I know this is a change that needs to happen but... I can't  help but mildly despise it. 

I've never really been that much of a positive person. I'm actually really negative and hate change. If I could, I'd rather stay in my house and allow my problems to dust over and get riddled with cobwebs. I've dreamed of just sitting in one place- Maybe in a forest and growing over in moss and foliage. Never having to worry about anything at all- Time not existing in my reality.  Not a very healthy habit... But I really love what I've created and I want to finish it damn it!


I didn't mean it to go on this long... I just have a lot to say and I don't want to leave you clinging to nothing. I want this to be a proper farewell... Oh! I've just been struck with an idea. What if I update chapters on here or on my profile- Updating you on how my work in going on behind the scenes! Oh, That'd be marvelous don't you think!? Maybe this won't be so bad...? Also, That brings me to this topic... I'm debating if I should keep up this story. Like I had said I want to start anew but then again it'd be a permanent reminder of everything I've worked on and for... I wouldn't fret about it... I'll probably keep it in and just make a new revised story for my new work.

Okay. I think I'll wrap this up now... 
If you have any questions don't be shy to ask. I'm also all for criticism. Please give me your impute though I'm not sure any amount of people can sway me from pushing myself to do better. 

It's been a bumpy train ride!

DemonXTwins | A HunterXHunter Story |Where stories live. Discover now