Chapter X 13

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  ✧ "That said, It would be excessive to fail every single applicant."

The voice of a male caught me off guard, My head snapped up to look at a giant air balloon floating above us painted with a sinister smile and beady narrowed eyes.  ✧ 

Amana's X P.O.V:

"That's the symbol of the Hunters Association!"
A man gasps. "Is it someone from the Selection Committee?"
Another one asks.

As I gaze up at the floating device a see a man coming straight for the crowd.
My eyes widen, Surely a man as frail as him would die from such a fall?

I was wrong, Oh, How so terribly wrong.
When his feet came in contact with the ground a shockwave of rocks and dust flew from all directions.
I quickly had stepped in front of Tris as a precaution, Though I had no doubt she could have handled a bunch of debris there was no way I was taking chances. Not with her health.

Groans and coughs were heard from around me as I watched this old man emerge from the slowly fading dust, The sounds of wood hitting the ground made my ears twitch.

The man walked through the cloud with an almost bored look on his face, As if he does this every day. 
He wore a large white robe with blue trim, The robe had long loose sleeves that hung around his wrists and hands. The man's remaining white hair was wrapped with matching blue fabric in an updo ponytail, The only shade he had in his hair was his beard, Which had a dark gray tip. His large ears were pierced with silver buds.

"Who's this geezer?" Someone murmurs. 'Oh yes, Insult a man who just jumped out of the sky and lived, Scatterbrains...' 

Menchi steps forward to face the old man.
"The Chairman of the Selection Committee. He's in charge of the Hunter Exam..."She spoke as if the air was stolen from her lungs in a wispy tone with wide eyes, Her jaw so wide if this was a child's show it would hit the floor.
"Chairman Netero."

"Well, I work behind the scenes."
His voice was raspy and aged but still strong enough to be carried through the crowd.
"I only take action when there's an issue, Like now."

"So, Menchi-Kun..."
He starts, Looking at her with an unimpressed wrinkly face.

"Yes, Sir." She bows with her hands to her side, Her back straight and her chin up. Her full attention was on the man a couple steps away from her. She ignored the shocked stares of everyone else.

"You failed all the applicants because you disapproved of their reluctance to try new things?"
He slid his eyes down to her exposed chest area and back up to her face 'subtly' but she didn't seem to notice, Or, Didn't care while I narrowed my eyes at him, Scowling. 
I was still upset about him so carelessly endangering the crowd. 
Most importantly Tris. 

Okay, No, Only Tris, I didn't care what happened to the crowd one bit.

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