Chapter X 15

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Amana's X P.O.V:

We were now all standing in a small room with wooden floors and blue padding on the walls. Well, Gon and Killua and Netero were standing, Tris and I were sitting on the floor. Me with an everlasting glare burning into the grandpa.

"Now, I'll go over the rules of the game."
Netero was balancing on one leg, In a crane position bouncing a yellow ball with a singular thick black stripe.

"If you can take this ball from me, Before the airship reaches its destination, You win."
We glance up at a square clock that was attached to the light blue padding, It's around 11 PM currently.

"I believe that we're scheduled for an 8 AM arrival?" He spins the ball on his index finger. "Well, That still gives you nine hours. You're free to attack me however you'd like. I won't touch you."

"Huh? That's too easy." Gon chirped from the side, Underestimating this sneaky man.
"You can't call that a game."

Netero bounces the ball up and down on one finger. "Why not give it a try first?" Killua raises one white eyebrow "We just have to take the ball?"
"Then I'll go first." The confident Killua boredly says, Most likely thinking it's going to be too easy.  Netero smiles "Go ahead." I swear I saw a glint in those faded old eyes.

Killua walks around Netero, As he does exact copies of him follow behind in a mirrored fashion. Each one perfectly replicating each other. Gon has his mouth agape watching Killua with wide eyes.

Netero is fairly surprised as well watching the small brat perform his 'trick'.
Gon amazes over the scene "I see lots of Killuas!" 

'Oh God, If there is ever more than one, Please. End me.' 

Netero's eyes grew more serious, As he analyzed the situation. After Killua walked around a few times he suddenly jumped out from his rhythm making his first move. He launched himself at the ball. Netero steps back, Dodging him skillfully whilst his face remained emotionless. Killua veered to the side with a kick of his foot reaching to grab the ball on Netero's finger. Netero swiped his hand away from Killua's reach each time, Even as Killua attempted to surprise him with a backflip, Attempting to kick the ball out of his hand. When Killua flipped back onto his feet he reached for the ball once more only for Netero to jump over him. 

Killua turned around just as Netero landed, Reaching his arm out in front of Netero's face for the ball. Netero quickly jumped up placing his hand on the top of Killua's head and shoving him down while he balanced the ball on his toe. His game continued for quite a while, Netero each time surprising us with poses, One where he balanced the ball on his arse while he did a one hand handstand with his legs spread out. Which was really the cherry on top. Even one time where Netero balanced the ball on his shoulders, Switching the shoulders each time Killua reached for it.

Twirling around, Diving under his legs, Handstands, Flips. It really was a show. But in the end, Netero was stood in the middle, In the same exact pose from when he started with the ball on one finger.

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