Chapter 1 - Lady Lucie

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Lucie Heart

As usual, the dark halls were lightly lit with candles and small lanterns. The whispering shadows keeping them company as they shine in the dim halls.

The manor had a way of scaring new arrivals and children that were brought here to be raised and bred to be Lady or Sir for the Deceptions. Making sure they fear every little thing in sight.

Deceptions. Cruel, evil, selfish and very rich, powerful supernatural beings known to land, that rule over human kind. They get what they want, no matter the cost.

If they ask for bloodshed, it'll be done, if they want to feed off of us humans, they feed on us. Its because they are so powerful, cruel beginning and ends happen whenever they want chaos.

I pick up my dark red dress skirts and walk down the carpeted stairs, my heels silently clicking against the floor with each step I take.

"Ah Lady Lucie, its a pleasure to see you, my dear." Lord Beau.

"Evening Lord Beau." I bow my head, showing my neck in submission. Respect, the absolute key to your master. And a way to trick them when need because they trust you and your respect.

"How is your activities?" The activities, known to be teaching young children to be little darlings. Darlings my ass.

"Its been thrilling." I reply curtly.

"That's good to hear. Shall you be dining with us, Lady Lucie?" I smile and nod my head.

"Of course Lord Beau."

"Good, I shall see you at dinner." He kisses my hand, his mouth lingering before sorting off. 

I shivered as a ghost snake crawled down my spine. Lord Beau is the creepiest person I've met. A pervert too. But he is my master so I must remain quiet and obey.

Lifting my skirts up again, I walked down towards Black Soul, a prison where we keep criminal humans who try to kill Deceptions or who are too dangerous and could threaten the Deceptions rule. And Black Soul, inside, is someone I've heard of, someone I need to see for myself, to see if the rumors are true. She could be a great asset to the fall of the deceptions.

The two guards guarding Black Soul halt me. "Sorry Ma'am, but there's no access without proper authority." I bow my head and look them in the eye.

"Now, now guards, you do not want to push Lord Beau's, Lady would you?" Both men tensed, sharing each others thoughts by the way their eyes glazed over.

The left guard spoke up first, "sorry Lady Lucie. We didn't know."

"Well let it not happen again." They nodded and moved away, letting me step passed them.

"Did you want a guard by any chance Lady Lucie?" I waved them off.

"No need. I know this place is safe, well protected and there's a guard at every turn. No one would dare hurt me, or they might just suffer the wrath of my master. He doesn't like it when I'm harmed." I heard them grumble and go back to their posts. Sometimes little guards have no brain cells what so ever.

I looked at each cell, going deeper, and deeper into Black Soul. A few curious stares watched me from their cells.

However I just ignored them, until I got to the lowest levels of Black Soul. The lowest is where we keep the biggest threats to Deceptions.

The cells go from less threat to the biggest so the lower a prisoner is, the bigger threat they are to the Deceptions. And this little prisoner is the person I want to see.

The familiar guard smiled at me and bowed. "Miss Lady Lucie. Its a pleasure to be in your company." I raise my brown eye brow, staring at him in amusement.

"I see why the Deceptions put you in charge of guarding the biggest threat." He cocked a smile.

"So what can I do for you Lady Lucie?" I took the clip board off the steel door and read it.

"Prisoner 998, Zakira Alice. Asexuality: female, blood type: +A, age: 17, ability: drains life, untouchable skin." I looked at the enclosed steep door. Nothing can get in or out without the key pad code number.

"Is there something interesting you see, Lady Lucie?"

"Open it." He tensed.

"What?" he asked as I looked at him.

"Open it." He nodded quickly and pulled out the key pad and typed in the code so the steel door opened. With a click, he pulled open a door.

When the steel door opened, little lights came on, making the small figure in a corner shrink. I smiled and walked in towards the girl.

"Hello, Zakira Alice." The girls grubby head looked up, her eyes full with sleepless nights. However she did not speak. Understandable. I reached for her, taking her hand, but she flinched and yanked her hand back.

"Don't touch me." Her voice was raspy with a dry throat, lack of water.

"Killian, get water for the girl." I say without looking away from the frightened girl. I smiled kindly and gave her the water Killian got. "Here. Drink." Zakira hesitated before drinking the whole thing.

I touched her hand while she drank. She flinched but stopped short. "Why...why are..."

I cut her off. "Why am I not screaming and wailing with pain?" She nodded. "That's because I'm immune to any gift or ability. My skin is a barrier, helping me keep away pain and any other gifts that could cause me any harm. So if any ability wants to cause me pain, my skin will protect me, I will not feel any pain or lose any of my strength. I smiled and pulled away from the girl and started walking away.

"Now dont forget to eat your full meal tonight. Let's just say, its a gift from me, okay?" I didn't wait for her reply and walked out. Her little mind turning in her head, questions about me wavering. A curious one, I see.

"Good night Lady Lucie." I smile at Killian.

"Make sure she eats all the food tonight. Little Zakira will need it."

"For what may I ask?" I turned and started walking.

"News will spread." I say.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He yelled after me. I just grinned and walked off, leaving unanswered questions in the air.

I dusted my skirt off and headed towards my rooms. I cannot go to dinner looking like I just walked out of a sewer.

Mandice, the maid waited for me in my rooms, a new dress in her hands. "Lady Lucie." She greeted.

"Let's get this over with Mandice."

I looked on the mirror, the girl watching me. My brown hair dark like black, brown eyes shaded with a tint of green.

The girl looked beautiful. I'm beautiful but, some say beauty is a disguise. I believe that can be true. Sighing I turned on my heel, to the dinning room.

Once I had entered, all the higher ups, including King Zuin. King Zuin, he rules everyone, including the puny humans, he calls them.

He was the one that decided, everyone was split up into districts, small little places where everyone was born and raised.

Each district had its own set of rules, but one rule applies to all. Everyone is not aloud out of the districts that they are placed, without a letter of acceptance or a guard met at the border between districts. If you so much step over the district line, you will be executed on site.

They might as well be prisoners. And the children, they do not have schools! How on earth will they learn? Its cruel.

"Ah Lady Lucie, come sit." King Zuin said, motioning me to a chair beside him. I nodded and sat down, all the men watching me ad I take the seat.

"Let us dine." And we ate. The doors opened and a guard came in, going to the King. He whispered something before hurriedly leaving. The king coughed. "The rebels have attacked." I hid a secret smile, and the games have began.

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