Chapter 28 - Realisation

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"Follow me, oh you can take those cuffs off her." The guards immediately took the chains off her and dragged Lucie behind me. I grinned and looked at her in the corner of my eye. She looks at me with deep hate but she wont admit that she loves me.

We entered my chambers and I sat on my bed, facing her. The guards threw her to the ground and left, shutting the door behind them. I tilt my head at Lucie, play pouting at her. A way to mock her for the way she is looking right now. "You look so submissive right now. Its cute." I put a clawed finger nail to my bottom lip, grinning.

"Your disgusting, I'm just a toy to you and that's all I will ever be." Awww Lucie thinks we'll be in love. I stand up and walk to her, caressing her bloodied cheek before slapping her, her head flinging to the side.

"The maids will arrive in just a second my love," I pause staring down at her, Lucie's eyes burning with tears. "You'll be staying with me for a long time sweetheart so get use to it." The maids came pouring in, clumps of dresses and make up in hands and towels and bath soaps. "Clean her up and make her look presentable. We shall have a ball in return of my beloved!" Everyone will believe that I have fallen in love with Lucie and Lucie will be mine. But the truth is, she'll be a slave, doing everything I wish of her to do. I will make her into the perfect Monster she is.


The familiar feeling of air refilling my lungs as I come back from death once more. The relief as my fatal wound heals itself.
I gasp and sit up but get pulled back down by a chain around my neck, keeping me close to a bed.
"Relax please my dear." A lady says as she brings me a cup of water. Her English accent was strong but her tone was soft and kind.
"Who are you?" I choke out as I cough, my throat sore and my chest tight.
"My name is Allison. I'm a nurse here." She says as she reaches for my arm.
"Don't touch me!" I yell. "Please." I say quieter before taking a sip of the water.
"Why are you here dear?" She asks as she takes the cup from me. Its then that I notice the sound of chains dragging along the floor. I look down and notice the nurses ankle was shackled, a chain attached.
"I'm a prisoner, just like you." I replied and she too looked down at her chain.
"I see."
"Why are you a prisoner here?" she washes her hands in a sink and then looks back at me.
"I always wanted to be a nurse." She begins as she dries her hands. "My family were all doctors, even before deceptions were known to man-kind. My family has a healing power, each of us can heal a different kind of wound. My father could heal any burn, no matter how severe. My uncle could take water from someones lungs. My sister could heal any bone as if it were brand new."
"And what about you?"
"I can bring anyone back from the brink of death."
"How come each of your abilities are different? I though all people from a family line have the same ability."
"No my dear. Our powers are specific to us once they are awoken. My family has always had healing abilities as we all feel this need to help others, even before our abilities were awoken, but my father was burnt in an explosion when he was nine years old. Sixty five percent of his body was burnt, and the next day, there wasn't even a scar. My uncle nearly drowned when he was four and then his powers awoke. My sister broke her spine in a car accident when we were trying to escape the city and she was never supposed to walk again. The next day she was up and walking."
"And you?"
"When the deceptions attacked and took over, I was injured badly. I was close to death in my fathers arms. I passed out and everyone thought I was dead but I woke up a few hours later, completely fine."
"So why are you a prisoner?" I ask again.
"The deceptions wanted someone who could bring their men back from death. An undying army is hard to kill." She says.
"So what about your family? Are you all untouchable?"
"I don't know." I said bowing my head.
Suddenly the door flies open and Lord Beau struts in like the stuck up prick he is.
"Nurse Allison, I see our guest is up and stable."
"Yes my lord." She stutters, bowing her head.
"Good." He says before throwing a bag on the bed. "Get dressed and then the guards will escort you to the ball room. Your king wishes to see his prized possession." I shake, fear creeping through my veins. The last time I saw Malek, he threw me in purgatory. That prison. That hell.
As soon as a guard undoes the chain around my neck, I make a run for it, bolting to the door as fast as my legs could take me.
"Stop her!" I hear Lord Beau yell as I run out the door. None of them could touch me. None of them could stop me unless they wanted to die.
I turn a corner and slam into a strong solid body of steel and metal, a tight metal hand wrapping around my throat.
"You little bitch. Did you really think you could escape?" My eyes widen as I stare at the man with a tight grip on my throat, fear freezing the blood in my veins.
"King Malek."
"A few more trips to the underworld might set you straight." He growls as he digs the tips of his metal claws into my neck.
"No. No please." I choke out as he crushes my throat in his hands.
"I'm going to enjoy killing you over, and over again."


I stare at my reflection in the mirror. My new pale skin and yellow eyes stand out more against my black clothes. My sword attached at my hip, the hilt held a black gem that now swirled with constant moving white souls.
I remember when Zakira stood in front of this mirror and just stared at herself. I'd wake up to find her just staring at herself each morning.

I rubbed my eyes before opening them and finding the right side of my bed empty. I go to call Zakiras name but then I see her, standing in front of the mirror, my button up shirt  flowing down to mid thigh length. I don't say anything, I just watch her. She hasn't noticed me staring yet, shes too lost in her own reflection. Her beauty was almost unreal. I couldn't believe I'd found her. I just wish i'd found her before this, before she was so broken and damaged. I'd see her smile more often. I'd hear her laugh more often and there wouldn't be so much doubt in her mind. I won't stop until she is confident in who she is. I'll remind her how much I love her everyday.
"Zakira." I said, drawing her attention to me. "Come here." I said and she obeyed, crawling onto the bed and straddling my waist before resting her head on my chest, her perfect eyes looking up at me.
"Is everything okay Killian?" She asks, worry clearly in her voice. I kiss her nose softly and smile at her.
"I love you. Always."

"I will get her back." I tell myself.
"You might want to hurry." My father said as he appeared in my room once again.
"I thought I told you to leave." I growl.
"I have news you need to hear."
"I'm not interested in anything you have to say." I said, walking past him and heading for the door.
"Even if I tell you Zakira has died twice within the time span of an hour?" I froze in place.
"What are you talking about?" I ask, hoping to high heaven I heard him wrong.
"They are killing her to get the information out of Lucie. If Lucie doesn't obey, Zakira dies" I spin to face him, my eyes locked onto his.
"How many times can she handle this?" I ask, talking the fastest I've ever talked in my life.
"I can't tell how many more lives she has, but I can tell you it is not pretty."
I ran from the room as fast I could. Fuck waiting for sundown. I'm getting my girl out of there now!

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