Chapter 11 - Gone Wrong

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I felt my clothes and skin cover in their blood. My smile was savage as I tore through the monsters. It felt so good to cut flesh but my beast was still not satisfied even when they were all dead.

Running to the door, I opened it. ""Alright everyone! It's safe for now! Killian will be back soon with the bus!" I yell. The feeling of tension arose in the air.

"HEY!" Zakira yelled and everyone turned to look at her. I stepped forward as everyone moved out of her way so she could walk to me and glare. "You told me Killian was here. That he was already back!" I smile sadly and walk over to her.

"I know. I'm sorry but I needed you safe. You wouldn't have gone in here if I didn't come up with something." I rest my hands softly on her shoulders. The tension got stronger.

"You're a liar!" She yelled before pulling power all through her body and pushing me backwards. There was a huge clap, like thunder as her hands made contact with my chest and I was sent flying backwards. I didn't feel it and watched as my clothes ripped and she walked towards me, range filled eyes.

The guard on Zakiras right lunged at her. She somehow managed to grab his arm. He screamed. Skin to skin contact. He was dying. She let him go but it was too late. He fell to the floor screaming, his skin slowly decaying. Another guard on her other side tackled Zakira as I yell for them to stop. "Let me go!" She yelled before putting her hands on his face.

I couldn't stop her. The scream as the guard turned to ash in her hands. I have to calm her down. Getting up, I pin her to the ground, holding back the beast before I go to far. She looked at me, her eyes glazed with fear. "Hold her down!" I snapped at the guards. Their hands were covered with metal gauntlets so it wasn't skin to skin contact. "No, let me go!" She kept struggling in my hands.

"You need to calm down or I have to do it another way you and I both wont like." I yelled but she kept struggling. I need her calm or bad things are gonna happen. "Give me a sedative!" I grabbed the needle. She wont like it but its the only way.

"No! NO! Please don't do this!" Zakira screamed and I looked down at her.

"Calm down then." I says but she kept struggling.

"Let me go!" She yelled. "Please!" Zakira begged as I pinned her head to the side, revealing my neck.

"I'm sorry." So very sorry. The needle pierced her skin and she screamed. Both guards stepped away and I slowly stood. I felt ashamed. Before she passed out I could hear her last words.

"'re just like them." When I looked up, Killian stood there, eyes wide and looking at the empty needle in my hand to the girls still body. I did this. Crushing the needle in my hand, it smashed and fell to the ground.

"Stop lingering! Get to the bus!" I snapped at everyone. They all had moved but Killian stood there, watching me with a different emotion on his face. It wasn't fear. Not disgust. No, it was betrayal.

When we were left alone, Killian ran to Zakira, checking if she was still breathing. When he stood, he walked over to me and slapped me which I gladly took. My head whipped to the side but no pain flared. "Why did you do it?" He snapped.

I breathed hard. "She couldn't calm herself."

"Doesn't mean you hold her down like those monsters did! Doesn't mean you sedate her with something that she fears the most!" I stepped back.

"Did I have any other choice?!" He growled.

"You could of talked to her like a normal person! She has gone through hell and back and now you make her remember that!?" I pushed him.

"Don't you dare. Don't you fucking dare. Everyone here has gone through hell! Everyone that I vowed to keep safe, my life isn't worth a damn as long as they are alive! I have gone through hell too! Maybe think about that. Go to your girlfriend and wait for the second bus." I turn on my heel and leave.

If I stayed any longer I would of teared him to pieces. I walked to the bathroom and stared at my reflection, my hands cracking the sink. When I look at myself, I really do look like them. The monsters who took innocents and brake them. Destroy their lives and soul.

I tied my hair and grabbed my blade and directed it to the edge of my hair. Should I do it? I looked in the mirror and without a second thought, I cut my hair. My cut hair now flowing just above my ears. I looked to the floor. The brown hair lying there.

Without looking back I walked out and walked the silent compound, until that is a sound causes me to turn. A half alive Deception was moving to get away. I grinned and threw a bullet into his stomach. He yelled in pain.

"Look what we have here." I sung and pressed down on his new wound. I leaned down towards his face. "Can i ask you some questions before you die?" I didn't let him answer. "So tell me. How the hell did you find us, mmm?"

"I wont tell you..." He coughed up blood as I kicked him with the heel of my boots.

"Oh, I know you will." My hands clutched his throat tightly. "Tell me and I may let you live." Of course that was a lie.

"Tracker in the stupid brats neck..." He trailed off when I ran my knife into his throat. I watched as the life faded from his eyes and smirked.

"Good boy." I mutter, running back to Killian. Zakira wasn't awake when I got back. Good, she wont be awake when we take the tracker out.

"Tracker. In her neck." I reply bluntly. Killian gets up in a defensive stance. I roll my eyes. "Killian. Others are coming and we need to disable this tracker that's in the girls neck."

"How do you even know its even in her?"

"Does it look like I'm lying Killian. It does not matter now get it out." Killian sighed and softly turned Zakira around. The chip wasn't deep, Just right under the skin. Easy to just get out. Quickly he took it out and threw it at me and he started to heal her. I sighed and stepped on the tracking chip.

Just as I did, the bus showed up. "Lets go." I say and that was my last words I spoke to him the whole way. I will never be like the monsters. Never.

Lord Beau (Surprise!)

I laughed and smirked at my laptop. "My dear Lucie, you have become just like us." I close it and look at my guards. "Go, I do not need to be disturbed." I have bred Lucie into the monster she was born to be. She is half Deception of course. If she keeps rejecting that part of her she will loose her sanity.

I cant wait to brake her once again. But, I need that brat Zakira and her boyfriend Killian out of the way. However, Zakira can become handy.

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