Chapter 6 - Necessary

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I left the camp with the necklace around my neck, hidden well be beneath my clothes. It took me an hour or so but I finally managed to get back to the castle. I easily climbed back up to my room and jumped back in through the window. "Lucie, can you hear me?" I ask quietly. "Loud and clear" she replies and I nod.

At least I know the connection between the necklace and Lucie is clear. Good thing only the wearer can communicate with Lucie on the other line. I made my way out of my room, getting sexy half glances from female deceptions that I never cared to pay attention to. I've felt Zakira's presence since she first arrived here when I was seven, and I've never really found anyone beautiful until I saw her.

Even when she was covered in dirt and rags, I just found her absolutely stunning. I made my way back down into Black soul, or as Zakira referred to as Purgatory. I can understand why she called it purgatory, the very dimension between life and death which is pretty much what this is. The only reason Zakira is still alive is cause no one had any idea how to kill her and keep her dead.

"Lucie where would they keep her?" I asked

"Flatch" she replied. I almost killed someone right there and then. I always saw how she came back after being with Flatch. Now I get to return the favor.


I dont know how much times my body was shocked with the change of temperature, the sudden piercing of throwing knives landing in my arms and legs. I had no energy now. Blood dripped from my body and ever time I even breath it caused me pain. My entire body still burnt from the boiling water. Flatch had removed my shirt earlier so he could aim better and make sure not to hit any arteries.

I stay just hanging from the ceiling, in my pants that are falling apart and a bra. "Ready to give up some answers yet?" Lynox asks. "Just kill me...please" I reply, then the door opened.

"Killian, to what do I owe this pleasure?"  Lynox says and my head snaps up to see Killian looking directly at me, his eyes shocked.

"Sleep" Killian orders before punching him and knocking him out in one hit. Killian runs over to me and starts pulling the knives out. I give out a small scream every time and he apologises. Killian was able to touch me as long as he didnt make any contact with my skin. He undid the chains on my wrists and I feel forward, grabbing onto him for support as his arms shot out around my waist.

"I gotcha." he says before we both are sent to the floor. I hear Lynox's low growl and Killian was on his feet in seconds.

"The girl is ours!" he yells and Killian grabs him. He simply brings him to his knees. Lynox begins convulsing as a small light comes floating from his mouth and into Killians.

"Been a while since I actually ate." Killian hums before walking over to me.

"'re deaths slave too?" I asked as he picked me up.

"You could say that." he says and I lean closer to him. Even through his clothes he was warm, safe, and every muscle in my body hurt. He made sure not to make body contact, he must know what I can do, but maybe he doesn't care.

"Whatever you're thinking it wont happen. Whether he's a killer or not he'll hate the fact that you killed your own family."  I looked up at Killian and he looked down and smiled at me
"It's okay Zakira." he said and my mother disappeared. He makes her go away. He silences them. I lean against him, and for the first time in a long time, I sleep.

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