chapter 5 - Rebel

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"Commander, your back!" I nod and grab the clip board she handed me.

"Yes. Well you all attacked too early. Call a hall meeting."

"Y-yes ma'am." I nod and walk to the elevator and up to my quarters. I cannot let them see me in this skirt.

I press my pass to the door and open. My room the same as always. Clean. Empty.

"All rebels assemble in the Hall. Repeat, all rebels assemble in the Hall. Thank you." I nod my head in approval and run down the compound.

All the rebels were there in the Hall ready. My mouth was set in a grim line.

I don't know why they all disobeyed my orders. They weren't suppose to attack so early without my say so.

The chitter chatter quieted down as I walked up the stage stairs, my boots clicking.
I faced the crowd, my face stern. They know this look.

"Rebels." I greeted. They all started whispering. I cleared my throat.
"I have come back early because you all went and attacked way to early and without my say so. I'm very, very mad but I'm controlling it. Anyway, I've read that none of you except the Elite 5 have trained the last 3 months. Starting tomorrow everyone will participate in training. The younger ones will continue Education DYU. Any questions?" The whole room was silent.

Im going to need a new second and third.


Dear Princess Zana

I've spent my whole life knowing who you are... I don't think I could ever forget you...
When I had said I never liked you... I lied. I just... I never liked guys, but neither did girls. Until you came along in my life. You're always in my head, your singing... Its like I cannot live with the apartness we have but if you found out who I am... I know you would never....

I was cut off writing when my door opened. Gasping, I grabbed the letter that will never be sent, and put it in my desk drawer. Sighing I looked up at Killian, his head bowed.

"Killian. What are you doing here?" I asked surprised.

Suddenly he went on his knees, head to the floor. What the hell?

"Please, Lucie. Let the girl out of that prison. She won't last long." He begs me. It seemed like he was crying. My eyes softened and I stood up walking to him.

"Killian," I lifted his chin up and hugged him. "I know. I have cameras. We can't yet. Not now." He sniffles and nods.

"Bu-ut she's losing it Lucie. I..." I smile and cut him off.

"Just try and keep her fed like last time. I want you to give her the Necklace."

"If you see how bad shes hurting, how much we need to get her out, will you let me help her?" He asks. I couldn't say no. If shes really as bad he says, we dont have a choice.

I hand him the necklace and he stands up with me. "Okay, but only if the situations becomes dire. Right now she's surviving, only set her free if she's about to give up. We need to keep what little hope remains in her, alive, just make sure not to touch her, skin to skin." I warn him. "Lucie you know what I can do. I'm able to..." "Killain. I said no. She can not know yet. She must learn not to rely on either of us. She is like you, if she relies to much on one person, her emotions will come extremely unstable, and without you around, she would lose all control." I interrupted. He hesitated before nodding then walking out, no tears spilling. I hope he doesn't loose anyone else now.

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