Chapter 2 - Purgatory

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Zakira Alice

I forgot what the outside world looked like. I forgot the feeling of the sun on my skin and the fresh smell of nature. I don't even know what I look like anymore. I haven't seen my reflection since I was six, or maybe it was seven. I don't really remember. All I remember is that I'm a murderer. A killer.

To the outside world this place is called Black soul, prison of hell. For me, its Purgatory. Its limbo. Its the place in which there is no barrier between life and death.

I had a bed to sleep on that I don't even attempt to lie on since the mice have made a home, and a toilet in the corner, that has held more of my puke than anything else. Everything they feed us is stale, cold, or rotting away.

We are the bugs beneath their floors, so we get the scraps. I deserve this. After what I did to my family, my friends. I deserve death.

I have tried taking my own life so many times before, but every time I do, somehow I just come back. I hate it. I am deaths messenger, though he will never let me leave the mortal world. I heard my new guard Killian, talking to someone. I could barely hear the voice although I knew it was a women by the sound of her heels clicking down the halls.

I remain cowering in the corner. Maybe it was lunch time, or maybe she was sent to tell Killian to drag me out for another beating.

I don't know, but whatever it is, it'll be hell. My cell door opens to see a beautiful girl in a dark dress strut her way in. She must be a Deception, or owned by one. There's no way she was anything other than a queen.

She held herself high as she walked around the sewage puddle in my cell and walked over to me.

"Hello Zakira Alice" she said as I raised my head to look at her. She had hazel brown eyes that looked full of life. I dont even remember the colour of my eyes. She reached for my hand but I pulled away.

I wont kill another person. No, no I dont want to hurt anyone.

"Dont touch me" I begged, my voice raw and dry from very little water and alot of screaming. Just like they screamed when I killed them. Murdered them. Im a murderer. A monster. I heard the mistress talk but I was lost in thought until a cup of water was held in front of me.

"Here, drink" the girl said and I couldn't help but wonder if it was poisoned. Maybe if it was, ill die. I drank slowly but stopped as I felt her hand grab mine. Shes gonna die. Im gonna kill another person. Oh god. Wait a second.

"Why....why aren't,"

"Why am I not screaming and wailing in pain?" she said, asking my question for me. I nodded, as I was too shocked to speak.

"That's because I'm immune to any gift or ability. My skin is a barrier, helping me keep away pain and any other gifts that could cause me any harm. So if any ability wants to cause me pain, my skin will protect me, I will not feel any pain or lose any of my strength."She smiled before pulling away from me, leaving me staring at my hand. I can touch someone. Someone I wont kill. Still doesnt matter I guess, Ive still killed, im still a monster.

"Now dont forget to eat your full meal tonight. Let's just say, its a gift from me, okay?" I nodded just as the door closed.

I stared at that door for ages. Wondering who that girl was, still curious as to how she could touch me. I sat alone in the cell, still lifeless, tired and alone.

I crawled my way to the door and pulled myself up until I could see through the bars three quarters of the way up the door.

"Excuse me, may I please have some more water?" I ask knowing the answer will most likely be a no. We're only allowed a cup of water every two days. This was my second one today, but I still risked asking for a third.

I could see Killian, debating whether to give me a drink or not. He scooped the water out of the barrel across from him and passed me the cup through the bars. I skulled the water, allowing it to past my lips and fill me with the taste I had almost forgotten.

"Thank you....thank you" I said and he offered me a small smile. "Dinner will be down soon, please do eat it all." He says and I scoff a little.

"The food here is tasteless and rotten. I'll probably get food poisoning from eating it." I said and he chuckled.

"trust me Love, you will be fine."

About half an hour later, Killian opened my cell door, plate in hand. Unlike the usual grey and moldy food we are given, this food actually had colour. Vegetables and what looked like a steak was placed on the table by the door.

"Please eat and do not tell anyone about this. Ever." He demands.

"Prisoners are never allowed this food. Why was it given to me?" I asked and he smile down at me,

"Because of Lady's orders." He says before leaving me there shocked. Is this his food, his dinner? I wanted to cry but I didnt, I just ate. I didnt even bother using the knife and fork, I just shoved the food into my face and oh my god I have never tasted food so delicious before. I moaned at every bite I had, It was delicious. No. This is wrong.

Killian must be hungry too. This food was meant for him after all. I grabbed a piece of fresh bread from the plate, soft on the inside but the crust was easily crunchy and delicious.

I felt bad for eating with my grubby unwashed hands but im trying. I reach my thin arms through the bars and hold the bread out to him.

"I thought you might be hungry too." I said and he smiled and took the bread.

"Thank you" He says and I smile softly. I like this new guard, I feel drawn to him somehow, although I doubt he is a life sucking killer like me. No one else is. Im all alone in this.

All of a sudden, bells and alarms start ringing and people start calling out. I notice the smirk on Killians face as footsteps echo from the floor above us. All the guards must be leaving to go help.

"Aren't you gonna go?" I asked Killian and he smiles for me,

"There's no need for me to leave you." He says with a smile. I nod and go to my original place on the floor, left to wonder what was happening.

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