Chapter 12 - In a perfect world

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I sat at the back of the bus with the heavily sedated untouchable resting in my arms. I can't believe Lucie did that to her. Forced her into sleep. Before I took place as Zakira's guard, I'd already heard stories about what they'd done to her. They'd drugged her food and water, drag her into the arena with the wild hounds. Send the hounds on her. They'd tear her to pieces. Bite and claw at her. Sadly they found it entertaining how she'd get hurt but every time a hound would attack her, the hound would then wither away. The being they hated was in pain, and the hounds they couldn't tamed where killed for sport. I heard that once when she was younger, she threatened to kill every single one of them, so they starved her for days until she was almost dead, then they took her out and tied her to a chair in the dinning hall. She sat there crying and begging for food as she watched all the rich deceptions feast. The king apparently said she could have some if she learnt to behave. Apparently he let her out of Black soul for a while. He wanted to make her his pet. A lady. He promised her all these things if she learnt to behave. She stayed with him for a while. I dont know what happened, but she was locked back up in Black soul, and that was the last time she saw the outside world. I looked down at the girl in my arms. I needed to get her some other clothes so she wasn't just walking around in my shirt. I smiled a little. If only this world was perfect. I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to take me until we arrived at the compound.

"Azrian be carful with that!" Zakira yelled from the kitchen in a beautiful summer dress. The light pink material covered in purple flowers, her hair tied up perfectly. and the engagement ring sparkling from the suns rays. I watched as my son, Azrian swung his new sword around. I had helped him make it. He even engraved his name into the hilt. His baby sister giggling from her crib as he swung it around. Zakira goes to grab the sword from him but I pull her down onto my lap. "He's gonna get hurt Killian." Zakira says, worry clearly in her eyes. I smiled a little as I brushed a strand of hair from her face and then cupped her cheek with my hand. "You're so beautiful when you worry." I tell her before laying a quick kiss on her lips. "He will be fine." I tell her with a comforting smile. She leans against me and nuzzles into my neck. "I love you." She says and I kiss her head. "I love you too."

"Killian wake up." Lucie says as she shakes me. "We're here." She says as I groan. She should have just left me asleep on the bus. I grab Lucie's hand as she goes to pick Zakira up. "You don't get to touch her." I tell her as I pick Zakira up and walk past Lucie without another word. I saw the pain in her eyes but I have no interest in being kind to her right now. I saw the pain in her eyes, but we both heard the fear in Zakira's voice as she screamed for Lucie to stop. I should have stayed and protected her. I carried her up to the top floor and burst through the last door on the right to find two of the others on my bed making out. "Usually I don't mind a topless girl in my room but I don't usually like it when another man is in here." I growled. "Killian, we didn't think you'd be here for a few days." the boy, Hunter said. "So you decided to fuck a girl in my bed." I saw the fear in both of them and if Zakira wasn't in my arms id kill them both. "get out. If I ever catch you in here again, I'll kill you." I said and I felt my hunger rise. I knew my eyes turned their true colour, black with little gold highlight. They rushed out of the room as the girl threw her shirt back on. I kicked the door shut and glared over at the bed. At least they had their pants on. I lay Zakira down on the bed and sat down beside her. I run fingers over her cheek and waited for her to wake. In a perfect world, all of this would be easier. I'd be able to touch her whenever I wanted, without her fearing she would kill me. Screw what Lucie said. She needs someone now. Someone who can actually touch her. Someone who can comfort her. Someone who didn't shove a needle into her neck. Someone she trusts. She needs me.


I was only four. I didn't understand what he wanted me to do. He kept telling me to not touch anyone. To never touch him. Or mum. I never understood. He got mad at me when I touch the puppy. I just wanted to pat it. He looked so soft. The dog howled and then fell over. I thought he was asleep but then dad got angry. He went to hit me again. He got out the big metal pipe he used and swung it down onto my face. I screamed before lunging at his legs. He screamed as I hugged his bare skin. His pants had been ripped so I could feel his skin. I told him I was sorry for not listening and I didn't understand why he was screaming until he began decaying in my hands. He looked like a zombie. I crawled backwards and he landed on top of me. His face had sunk against his skull and he was just skin and bones. His eyes looked like they had melted out of his head, his face was permanently stuck, forever looking as if hes howling in pain but no one can hear him. I wiggled my way out from underneath him and ran back into the house screaming for my mum. She turned around and I lunged at her, hugging her and crying into her neck. She too began screaming and rotting away. I didn't understand what was going on. What I was doing. Mum looked exactly like dad as we fell to the floor. I screamed again which only got Annabella crying. I walked over to her crib. She looked so sad. I always saw mum pick her up when she was crying. I tried but the minute my hands touched the newborn baby, she too cried out in pain but un-like our parents, she just turned to Ash. I killed them. I killed them all.

I woke up crying, the memories still haunting me as if it was yesterday. I felt the pain in my neck as I tried sitting up. I felt so weak. What happened? Then it came back. Lucie lying to me. The guards id killed. Then...Lucie stabbed me. Sedated me. The tears fell harder. I trusted her. I looked around and saw some clothes sitting on the edge of a new bed. Unlike the ones before that looked like fold up beds, this was a four post queen size bed. The sheets where so soft, covered in material id never felt before. I felt so warm beneath them. Where was I? I looked around to see a small cabinet beside the bed, and a lamp with a clock beside it. There were a few photos on the wall and a chest at the end of the bed.  A desk sat on the far right hand side of the room, pushed up against a wall with a window above it, then two glass doors sitting beside it, obviously leading to some sort of balcony. I stepped out of the bed, still feeling a little dizzy as I picked up the clothes. It was a pair of jeans, a black bra, and a white baggy shirt. I changed into those clothes, having a bit of trouble with the bra. I growled as I tried clipping it on but I just couldn't do it. I jumped as the door opened and desperately clung to the bra hiding what needed to stay hidden. "Oh my god Zakira I'm so sorry I didn't know you were awake yet." Killian says and My face goes red. I keep my back towards him, hoping he doesn't see how embarrassed I am. I heard him put a tray down as the delicious smell of food hits my nostrils. "Um I'll leave you to get dressed." He says but I call for him to stop. "Um...can you help me with this?" I ask. I hear the door close and then his footsteps get closer. "Please...just....don't touch me...please" I beg. I feel him grab the straps at the back of the bra. I feel the heat radiating from his skin and I didn't like how close he was but I couldn't do this on my own. I feel the bra clip into place and then his hand trail along the scars on my back. I jump forward but he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me backwards. "Killian?" I ask to make sure it was him. "Don't move. It's okay" He says as his hand runs from my shoulder and down my arm. I close my eyes, almost crying. He can touch me. How can he touch me? "How...How are you not dead?" I ask, my voice shaking. "Technically I already am. I'm Deaths son" He says as he kisses my shoulder gently. One hand rests on my hip as the other trails all the scars along my body. He slowly spins me around and cups my face with both his hands. "You will never be alone again. I promise."

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