Chapter 30 - A deal with Death

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The familiar feeling of death filled me again. I was helpless to do anything with my hands bound behind my back.

I walked down the familiar hallway with all of my memories. I ignored every single one of them. Once again the doorway to heaven opens for me and death stands in my way, not allowing me to pass.
"Zakira." He begins but I ignore him and walk right up to him and grab his shirt, tears pooling from my eyes.
"Please please just let me die they can't control her without me please let me die!" I begged. I couldn't let them control her anymore and I couldn't deal with this agony. This pain of dying and coming back to life over and over again. It will never end.
"I can't Zakira. It is against the very fundamentals of life and death."
"I died! I must stay dead!"
"Life force remains in you. I'm sorry."
"No!" I yell and I just get launched back again, back to life. Back to hell.

I gasp awake and all I hear is the crackling of fire, people yelling orders and growls erupting from the room. All I could smell was smoke and everything around me was covered in blood and soot.
"Come here you little bitch!" I heard Lord Beau yell, but I could barely see anything. My vision was blurry and the pain still filled my body.
"No leave her alone!"
"Killian." I mutter after hearing his voice. "Killian!" I yell and his head snaps towards me.
"Zakira!" I jump up but before I can even take a step a pain erupts from inside of me. Blood sprays from my mouth. I look down to see a sharp place straight through me. I shiver as I look back up, my eyes locking onto Killains.
"No!" He roars and his eyes glow a bright yellow. A color id never seen in his eyes before. The blade is ripped out from me causing me to gasp at my shortness of breathe. I hear this inhuman snarl and I look at where Lucie is tearing people apart, moving faster than I'd ever seen. More animal than human.
"No no no no." Killian cries as he pulls me against his chest and onto his lap. I feel the blood pour from my mouth as my eyes lock with his. "You're gonna be fine baby I promise you're gonna be fine you're gonna be okay." He says over and over again as his bloodied hand cups my cheek. I feel my eyes flutter as my body begins giving in. "No no come on stay with me stay with me princess come on." I gasp for air as I look at him.
"Thank-you." I mutter. "For showing - me - what it's - like to - be - loved."
"No don't leave me Zakira!" He yells as he pulls me closer to him. But I couldn't respond. I died in his arms once more.

Walking back down the familiar hallway of my memories, I stopped at each frame containing Killian. Watched the memories of him and I before I made my way down to the door. It opened and I saw Death there again.
"Zakira." He says and I stare at him. "It is time."
"Really?" I said in shock.
"Yes. I can no longer sense your life force. You have lived out your life, the way it was meant to be lived. Your time has come." I didn't know what to say. I leapt forward and hugged death. The man who would take me from this pain.
"Thank you." I said.
"I will tell Killian you love him." He said as I stepped back. I nodded. He steps aside and opens his arm passed the door. "Welcome to the underworld my dear."


She died in my arms. I could not sense the life force in her anymore. She was gone to me and I didn't know how to reach her. I couldn't move. I was frozen in place, stuck in the glassed over eyes of the girl who holds my heart.
I hear Lucies shriek as the monster inside of her took full hold. She will tear this place apart brick by brick. I hear King Malek scream as she got a hold of him and that broke me out of my trance.
"Lucie no!" I screamed looking up at her. Her eyes had gone dark and her entire body was covered in the blood of her victims.
"He killed Zakira!"
"And he is mine to kill!" I yell at her, a true growl erupting from my throat. I turn my head just in time to see Zana run through the ballroom doors. "Go after Zana. I promise you Malek will not leave this room alive." I said. She stopped for a second before dropping him to the floor and chasing after Zana. I look back down at the girl still in my arms.
"You're too stuck in your grief to kill me." Malek says as he pulls himself up from the floor. "You won't move from where you are. You won't leave her side." I look up at him, my eyes glowing.
"Who said I had to move?" I said as I summoned the damned souls of hell. The floor around him starts falling apart as burnt hands reach up and grab a hold of him.
"No! What! Let go of me!" He shrieks. The souls crawl out from the ground and I demand them to bring him over to me.
He is dragged over, struggling and fighting the unstoppable force of hells souls. He is bought in front of me, his arms held so he is unable to attack and he is bought to his knees in front of the girl I love.
"This is for Zakira you royal son of a bitch." I mumble before grabbing him and summoning the reaper forward. He screams as I rip his soul from his body and banish it to hell. His body goes pale and limp as he dies in agony. "Feed his soul to the hounds for the rest of eternity." I demand as the souls are dragged back into hell, leaving Maleks pale, limp, lifeles body in front of me.
I look back down at the girl in front of me as tears fall from my eyes.
I sense a presence behind me and I knew instantly who it was.
"She's not coming back this time, is she?" I ask as I lift her up in my arms and carry her over to the banquet table that is now bare, food and wine scattered around the table.
"I'm sorry my son." My father says as he walks over beside me. "She loved you."
"Let me take her place." I demand and my father turns to me in shock.
"That's not possible."
"Well make it possible!" I demand and my father sighs.
"I can bring her back but on one condition." he says.
"Name your price. Anything you want."
"A life must be traded for a life."
"I killed Malek. Take him."
"No my son. A specific life. You must join me in the underworld and you must give your life to her."
"Done." I say without hesitation.
"Do it now." I demand. I watch as my father pulls his reapers scythe out of thin air. Before I knew it, his scythe touched my skin and my body went limp. I didn't feel a thing. It was like falling asleep, but I knew I would never wake up.

I walked through a hallway like I'd never seen before. Moving pictures of my memories were in picture frames lining the wall. At the end of the hall was a door way. I ignored every picture and ran straight to the door, bursting through it and into a room filled with books.
It was a library, with multiple staircases leading to different  levels. Books lined every shelf and in the middle of the floor sat my Zakira. My girl. My lover and my life.
"Zakira." I whisper and she looked up at me, our eyes locking instantly.
"Killian?" She replies, almost as if it was a question, as if she was testing to see if I was real.
I couldn't have moved faster if I tried. Within seconds I was throwing myself at her and wrapping my arms around her tight. I never thought I'd see her eyes so bright again. I never thought I'd see her alive.
"Oh my god you have no idea how glad I am to see you." She cried into my chest.
"I'm here baby." I said holding onto her tight. "I'm taking you back."
"Wait Killian. I died." She said looking up at me.
"I know."
"I'm happy here. We can be here together."
"No Zakira. You have to go back."
"You deserve a life and Lucie will need your help. She will need her friends and someone to help her rule."
"Please Zakira." I say. I see her eyes soften before she kisses me. I've never longed for someones kisses so much.
"Okay. I'll go with you." She says. Oh no.
"Zakira." I begin.
"Yeah?" she says. I stopped. She looked so full of hope and love. I couldn't take that from her.
"Lets go." I said with a smile.

We both gasp awake in the ballroom, my father still standing over us with his scythe in hand.
"Hello sweetie." My fathers says to Zakira before turning to me. "You have five minutes son." He says before walking off and giving me some time.
"Five minutes before what?" Zakira asks and I turn to her as I get up off of the floor.
"If I told you before you never would have come back with me."
"Told me what Killian!" I could see the pain fill her eyes.
"I traded my life for yours. I must go to the underworld with my father and rule beside him."
"What! No! I'm coming with you."
"No Zakira. You can not waste your final life."
"I don't want to be in a world where you are not beside me." I step towards her and cup her cheeks in my hands as tears slide down her face.
"Listen to me princess. Do not let my sacrifice be for nothing. Live a long and happy life and I will be waiting for you for the next seventy to eighty years."
"Promise me." I demand. She bows her head and nods.
"I promise."
"I love you Zakira Alice." I say before I kiss her. I will remember this taste until I get to kiss her again. Every morning and every night.
"it's time my son" My father says as I pull away from Zakira.
"Tell Lucie what happened. Tell her it'll be okay." I tell Zakira before stepping in front of my father. "i'm ready."

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