Chapter 4 - Answers

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Zakira Alice

Too loud. It was all too loud. "Whats the matter Zakira?"  My mother asked from her place on my bed. I couldn't look her again. "Go....away" I choked out between my sobs. "I'm not leaving you my little monster. Your father thought you'd be a brilliant asset to his kind, and I was stupid enough to try to protect you.  At least now that I'm dead, I get to watch you suffer everyday."  she says, her voice choked and raspy like it was when she screamed as I drained the life from her body.

"I don't even know who my father is !" I yelled at her. Although I kept my head bowed, I knew she was getting closer. Its like I could sense her. "Your father was enticing at first. A real gentleman. He thought he could create the perfect solider. Loyal to his kind. He thought he could control your abilities. He was wrong. You just wanted to kill us all. That's why he had you locked in here. With me. You cant hurt anyone anymore." She hissed. "I never wanted to hurt anyone" I whimpered.

"Liar! You wanted me dead! Admit it!" She yells and I just sit there with my head bowed. "You will look at me while I am talking to you! Don't be so disrespectful!" She yells. She wont be quiet.

"Look at me!" She yells. I look up at her. She was nothing but decay. Her white dress dirty and in tatters, revealing her long, thin legs. Everything about her was dead. You could see her bones through her rotting flesh, her face sunken as if there was nothing but flesh and bones. "You did this to me." She chokes out. I wanted to cry.

"I'm sorry." I cried out. A smile crosses her boney face. "Its okay sweetheart. You're about to get whats coming to you."  I hear footsteps down the hall, getting closer and closer as my mothers spirit disappears. I cower in the corner, knowing what was to come. The door bursts open, Lord Beau standing in front of four guards. I bow my head to avoid his gaze.

"I have some questions for you and you better answer them honestly or you know what will happen." Lord Beau says and I hear the familiar sound of electricity buzzing through the special clasp they will use to hold me. "First question. I heard a rumor that my pet, Lady Lucie was down here earlier this evening. Is that true?" He asks and I nodded. I knew there were guards at every door in this place. He has hundreds of other witnesses. One of them would have told him anyway. I wasn't gonna get punished for something Lord Beau probably knew anyway.

"Second question. Why was she down her talking to you?" He asks. That's where I shut my mouth. If they knew I was given a decent dinner id be starved until I die from starvation. I'll just come back anyway and trust me, starvation is not a good way to go. "Answer me untouchable." Lord Beau ordered. Not many people actually call me by my name. I was told I wasn't worthy of a name so most people call me the untouchable. For obvious reasons. I felt Killian's gaze without even having to look at him. As I said, I feel a connection to him but I don't know why. It's like I can sense what hes feeling. He anxious and a little scared. Why? "Alright we'll do this the hard way." Lord Beau says and two guards step closer.

"NO NO WAIT IM SORRY!" I yelled, my voice cracking halfway through. The guards stopped and Lord Beau smirked. "Have an answer for me?" He asks and I look up at him. I catch a look of fear and despair on his face. He wanted to protect the lady. I could sense his urgency to protect someone.

A girl. It must be the lady. She was kind to me. I don't want her hurt. I took a deep breath before my next words, knowing I wouldn't have much chance to breath steadily after what I'm about to say. "She just wanted a girl to talk to....about how much of a disgusting pig you are." I growled at him. I saw the smirk on Killans face but the fear in his eyes only spread. They wont be looking for the lady with their plans for me. Lord Beau growled.

"Send her to Flatch" He orders. Flatch was the best at his job. I've been to him so many times I even know most of his life story, I also know his talents. The guards stepped closer and I cowered even further away. The clasps the guards use look like long thick sticks with a claw type of end used to hold my wrists. They're solid and even if they were just plastic, I was too weak from dehydration and malnutrition to be able to do anything. The claws grip my wrists tight and I feel the electricity shock up my wrists and all through my body.

I screamed, my voice breaking every few seconds. They used the claws to pull me up and keep me well out of there reach. The shock stopped surging through me yet my entire body still shook from the aftermath. They dragged me from my cell, past Killian, who couldn't even look at me, and down two flights of stairs. I struggled as much as I could when we reached the tall iron doors that lead to Flatch but they only earnt me more electricity through my body.

I whimpered as they pushed me through the doors. They pushed for to the floor and released me from the claws, only for the other two guards to grab me and put chains around my wrists. These guards were really suited up, armor from head to toe. One of the guards with the claws walked over to the wall and pulled two chains, which yanked me up from the floor and had me dangling from the roof. "Send for me when she decides to talk." Lord Beau orders.

"Of course my lord" Flatch says from behind me. I didn't even realise he was in the room already. Lord Beau and his four guards walk out the door, leaving Flatch and I alone. "Got into trouble again huh Zakira?" Flatch asks. He was always nice for conversation but the minute he gets to work, he becomes a different person. Kind of like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. "I'm always in trouble with Lord Beau comes to see me." I reply. Flatch laughs.

"Yes that is true." I jerked when cold water was thrown my way. My entire body began shivering from the ice cold water now dripping from my clothes and hair.

"Cold?" Flatch asks and I look up and glare at him. Yep, no more polite conversation. His eyes were now dark and glassy, as they always got when he blacked out so he could torture. Flatch is a deception. As I said, very much Jekyll and Hyde. He blacks out when the torturers services are needed.

"Lynox." I breathed out and he smirked.

"Good to see you again." he says and I breath out a sigh.

"Likewise." I reply sarcastically as my entire body shivers. "and to answer your question....yes....its cold." I reply.

"I'll warm you up then." he says. Before I even get a chance to protest, boiling hot water is thrown at me. My already freezing body temperature only causes the heat to intensify. I scream. I felt like I was on fire. I'm sure the scream could be heard throughout the entire prison. This wasn't gonna end soon. Even if I gave any answers, Lynox was out. He wont stop until he's bored.


I couldn't do anything but watch them take her away. She should have just told Lord Beau what he wanted to know. She's brave for doing it, but that wasn't her. Shes so fragile. She's already broken. I preyed in my mind she would tell Lord Beau the truth. Lucie knew how to escape.

She knew where to run. Lucie had an escape. Zakira didn't and know I can't even check on her. I stared up at the ceiling in my room. I have to get her out of here. If we leave her much longer, she wont be able to help us. She's already losing her mind with those ghosts haunting her, but I cant stop that, not without killing her.

I can teach her to control it. Teach her to be strong but I can't do that while she's here. I look over to the window, the curtains blowing in the breeze. Good thing about being so distant with everyone else around here, no one notices when you're missing for a while. I get off the bed and jump straight out the window, landing three stories down without a scratch on me.

I start running, my connection to Zakira straining with the distance. Obviously bringers of death are connected somehow. That doesn't matter now, I can figure that out later. I have to get to Lucie and get her permission to get Zakira out of there. For all of our sakes.

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