Chapter 9 - Attacked

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I watched silently, just watching from the background, as the two slowly fall asleep, Killian keeping her safe. The feeling of peace sets on the bottom of my heart. But, there was a twinge of worry that wouldn't go away. Sighing, I close my laptop, the screen of the two disappearing.

I need to let of some steam. Maybe my good old punching bag will calm me. My inner monster wanted out... I cannot. Its for the best. When I was chosen, they tried to make me into something that is rotten, ruined... nothing. However, I turned out to be 'wrong', as they say.

The halls were empty as people were sleeping. It was kinda late. But I wouldn't sleep. My body and mind wouldn't allow me too. Why? Well, every day I was fed off, sucked dry by Deceptions, I killed those who fed on me. Every Friday, strike Midnight, my beast kills them, tortures them until they fill no pain. They... Just die.

For me, It made me feel happy watching them writhe with pain, blood curdling. I laughed at their pain. This Lucie was a monster. No one knows what is within me. Killian has no idea. I wish to tell him but the thought of him hating me, thinking of me as the beast I truly am. A monster.

I didn't reach for the gloves that cover my knuckles. No I just swung my fist against the cushioning. Though, it didn't seem to stay strong. The whole bag fell apart, meaning I was too strong to withheld my strengths.

"I hate you," My voice was not of my own, dark and raspy. "I hate this! I hate them!" Even though it was a whisper, my cries and pleas were loud and so full emotion. No one could hear though. The walls were made sound proof. Good, and bad.

I remember each and everyone's last breath of words. "You should die!"   I had cringed but killed him anyway. "I should of killed you myself!"  That women was tortured all night long for saying those words.

Grabbing the gun from my sheaf, I targeted the first dummy standing meters away from me. It wasn't enough to satisfy my beast. Before I could shoot anymore dummies or anything I could spot, the red alarms fired off.

"Damn it!" I held my gun tighter and ran to the Code room. My gaze wondered over all the computers until the footage showed what was going on. Intruders.

I grabbed the microphone. "Everyone to the safety room immediately! Code Red, alert! Safety room immediately! All personal to the Computer Unit! Soldiers to the ready, Guards ready!" People knew not to panic, calmly they all had done what their commander had ordered.

"Lucie!" I turn to Killian who had Zakira beside him. God Dammit.

"Killian! Get her to the safety room!" He shook his head.

"I'm not bloody leaving you here to deal with this! It could be the Deceptions!" I shook my head, trying to contain my beast.

"I can handle this Killian. Done it before, can do it again." Tightening the straps , I loaded myself up with more gear and walked passed him towards the attack.

"Lucie! Slow down! You cannot go out there!" I ignored him and yelled commands to the soldiers. They obeyed and readied themselves.

"I have a plan, Killian." I turn to Killian.

"Then fucking lay it on me!" He sighed.

"I'll get the bus! You know the one that comes every once a month?" He nodded, not seeing the point. "We can get everyone out safely! I just need to get to the bus!" I sigh.

"But I'm needed here to help you here."

"Do you want Zakira safe?" He nodded. "Well go the bus. Your a fast rider, you'll make it here, Ill hold off us much as I can." Killian growled and pointed at Zakira.

"But she's in danger!" I roll my eyes, my beast not liking the way he was speaking to me.

"I'll protect her you idiot! Now go! Your wasting time." He nodded, looked at Zakira before running. I look at the small trembling girl. I pity her when she sees the true me... "Stay by my side." She nodded and we took off jogging.

I smashed down enemies, blood spilling. I knew I frightened Zakira but she was safe. A small squeal made me turn to her. A Deception had his hand wrapped around her arm. I growled and shot him in the head and grabbed Zakiras hand. "Come on. Killians back."

I could feel the dirt and blood between my skin and nail, all in my suit and on my suit. My gear has slashes of blood and grime as well. I looked like a mess.

"Lucie..." I don't turn to her.

"Yes?" She was a little hesitant.

"Why are they attacking?" I push her into the door.

"Because we are their enemies and they are our enemies." Zakira never replied because I was pushed to the ground. Growling I kicked the Deception back. "Zakira! Run straight to that door! Killian and the others should be there! Go!"

"B-But..." I smiled a little though it didn't reach my eyes.

"Go, I'll be right behind you." She nodded and like a good girl she ran. I faced the enemy in the face.

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