Chapter 15 - Forgive

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I felt like knives were piercing my heart every time he looks at me like that. Its alright though, I deserved it. I just did sedate a girl he has feelings for. When the shower started, Killian walked forward so I could feel his anger and power radiate off him.

"What are you doing here, Lucie?" No matter how angry Killian is, he wouldn't intentionally hurt me. However, he can hit me.

"Its your 19th birthday, Killian. You haven't celebrated in years."

"Well right now I don't want to be in the same room as you. What you did was despicable." I bowed my head.

"I know." My voice was a whisper. "But, Killian, I need to speak with you." I twiddled with my hands and sat on the bed. "I haven't exactly been truthful. When I lock myself away in my office on Fridays..." He cut me off.

"I already know." My head snaps to him, my eyes widening.

"How...?" He smiles shyly.

"I am your only friend. Look, I've known for a long time and didn't think you'd want anyone to know. So ive kept it to myself." I looked down ashamed.

"I didn't want to tell you because... I... I'm not proud of me. I've done so much... Killian I'm just like them! And I hate it so much. I never wanted to do that to Zakira! I held her down. If I didn't sedate her, I couldn't of held back and things would of became dangerous. I made a vow that I would not kill innocents and keep people safe. But I seem to mess things up." Killian didn't look away from me. He didn't even have the emotion I excepted to see.

"Lucie, you are not like them. But sedating Zakira-"

"I know! And I am sorry, so very sorry." He sighed and brought me into a hug.

"Let me help you, Sun flower." I sniffled and smiled at the nickname.

"Okay, Cupcake." He groaned.

"Why do you insist on calling me that?" I roll my eyes and punch him in the arm.

"We've been through this, Cupcake. You nice as one. Now please have this," I pulled the necklace out. "Its connected to the one I will be giving Zakira. No matter where you are, you can talk to her."

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek and pushed him out the door.

"Now leave. I have some pretty girl to dress up." Killian raised a brow.

"Be careful with her, shes fragile." I smiled.

"Like someone else I know." He chuckled and walked away. I closed the door and knocked on the bathroom door. "Zakira? You okay in there?" The door clicked and I walked in. Zakira was trying to figure out how to put the purple dress on. I giggled.

"L-Lucie..." I shook my head and kept my distance just in case.

"Do you need help?" She bit her lip then nodded. Slowly I walked to her. "Can I touch you?" She nodded though still hesitant. Understandable.

"Where's Killian." I smiled.

"Cupcake is getting ready for his birthday party." I zipped up the dress and stared at her in the mirror. She is beautiful.

"Cupcake?" She whispered. I chuckled and placed a necklace around her neck. "Whats that?"

"When I met Killian, he was the nicest person to me. Understanding. He is nice as a cupcake. He's my first friend. Now this necklace? Its connected to Killians. You will be able to talk to Killian when and wherever you are." I stepped back.

"Oh." I nodded and looked down.

"I'm not proud of what I've done to you Zakira. To others. But if your willing to hear my story and let me help you get ready for Killians party, I'd be happy. But its okay if you don't want to..."

"Okay." I smile.

"Okay. Come on, lets get you ready." I walked to the room connected which is my room that I never sleep in. I pulled a chair next to the vanity. "Sit." She sits.

"Can... can you start from the beginning?" I nod, playing with Zakira's hair.

"When I was born, I was born into a rich Deception family. However, I somehow didn't get the full package as a Deception. I'm a Shatter like you. A human with powers."

"A Shatter?" I nod.

"Yes. A Shatter who has powers. Mine. I can touch you because of my skin. Useful but not all the time. I still can be beat. Zakira, I'm an awful person. If you don't like what I tell you, please do say so." She paused and looked me in the eye. Her face soft, her lips smiling.

"Please tell me." I nod.

"My parents hated me. My mother pushed me away, my father hated my very being. One day a man came to my home. Lord Beau. Since my parents hated me, they didn't give me a name. They called me child or little brat."

"How did you get Lucie?" I smiled sadly.

"Lord Beau named me. Lucie Pet." No last name. No middle name. Just Lucie Pet."

"That's horrible..." I shrug.

"Been called worse, Zakira. My parents told Lord Beau to take me since I was such an abomination to them. They never cared for me. I grew up in the mansion, training to be the absolute killing machine and loyal pet to Lord Beau. When I turned 16, I went back to my parents home and tortured them. Nothing was left of them." The horror among her small eyes was evidence that I should stop. I backed away once Zakira's hair was pinned to the side of her head and in curls.

"Wait. Tell me more."

"Are you sure?" She nodded.

"Okay then. Let me do your make up while I talk." She nodded and I continued. "As I continued training, Lord Beau would have royals or others feed off me." She gasped.

"Feed...? How? You mean suck your blood?" I sighed.

"Yes and my very life essence. When they were finished I have become dizzy and tired, Killian found me in the halls unconscious. Once I had awoken, It was midnight a Friday and I would kill those who had fed off me. I would make sure their bodies are seen with a note stuck to the body. He screamed. Who's next?" Zakira closed her eyes as I did her eye brows.

"They deserved it." I chuckled.

"But they also didn't. Zakira you have to understand. On Fridays to Sunday, I lock myself up in my office because I have a craving to kill. I had to hold back last night. And I didnt mean to sedate you. My beast was trying to control me and it was hurting to hold back. I'm so sorry you had to see a monster and relive horrible memories." When I pulled back she surprised me. She hugged me.

"It's okay. I-I forgive you." I smiled and sat her back down.

"Thank you. Now your all done, let me get your shoes." I raced to the box and pulled out purple flats. "Here." She put them on and smiled.

"I look nice."

"You look beautiful." I started humming the song while packing away.

"It was you..." I frown and look up at her.

"Me what?"

"You were the one singing that song..." I smile.


"I remember that song but I dont know where from." I nodded and stood.

"Come time for the party." She frowned.

"But what about you?"


"What are you going to wear?" I look down and shrug.

"I don't like dresses." She pulled out a suit from the closet.

"What about this?" I shook my head with a big smile. Zakira, you just made me smile. How could you forgive me so easily. You are one crazy girl.

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