Chapter 3 - TRAITOR

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Lucie Heart

This chap will get a little smut, not enough for us to have wet dreams, but just warning for those who like to keep it PG.

As the sirens and bells rung through the corridors, I pulled away my smirk and stood, my chair scraping against the floor. All eyes had landed on me as I stood from the table. "If you excuse me, I must find my way back to my chambers."

"Oh of course Lady Lucie, do you want me to escort you?" I looked to my right at Lord Beau. I smiled and bowed my head.

"That is quite alright, Lord Beau." He nodded and let me walk out, the eyes on me at all times. I smirked on the inside, just in case people suspect me or think I'm the cause of the attack. Pfft no. I giggled silently.

As I walked down the halls I noticed the little Deceptions with their parents. I felt a longing, something that I've always wanted. A family. A loving mother, a dad that could call me his little princess. I wanted that so bad... But I can never have that. Both my parents disowned me as a baby because I did not turn out to be a Deception like them, however over time, the Deceptions found my hidden ability when they took me and, well, sent me to Lord Beau.

He became my Master, my carer. And I became his loyal little pet, a pet that turned out to be a Lady but that Lady had more secrets than anyone else. Maybe more than the little Untouchable in the lowest cells. I have done a lot of bad things in my life; some I regret, some I do not but someday they will come back and bite me in the ass.

You see, when as a little baby, when I did not come out as a Deception and I was disowned, my anger had swirled inside of me; still does. So one day I went out to my parents house, and killed them. I had the training and skills to do so, so I did it. Murdered my parents. They were selfish, unkind, ungrateful, mean and very, very cruel.

They even tried to kill me but its in the Convenient that if any Deception is to kill a human they have to have the clarifications by the King or Queen, and have guards with them so they can take the body away.

After I killed my parents, I became cold, distant until when I was wondering the gardens I came across this boy, he was a Deception, quiet and polite. I have a hate towards Deceptions but with him, I dont know, he didn't seem to like the way things operated.

For a while we became some what friends and decided to start a rebelling. I, as a 17 year old thought it was good but I had asked who would be the leader. Me being me thought Killian would be the leader but he chose me. I was shocked of course but nonetheless, it was good for the people.

Now two years later, 19 and still leading the rebelling. But we still have so many plans to finish until the big finale. So many plans.

Sighing I opened my bedroom door and closed it, until I realised, Princess Zana sat on my bed, reading a book. Princess Zana, daughter of King Zuin. I bowed at her, "Princess. What do I owe the pleasure of your company?" Zana got off my bed and made her way to me, a smile played on her lips.

"Lady Lucie, stunning as always." I gulp and smile at her.

"T-thank you Princess, you... you look lovely as always." Why am I so nervous around her? I shouldn't be. My eyes went to her lips as she licked them. Noticing I was staring I averted my gaze to the floor. She chuckled.

I felt her cold, delicate fingers lock under my chin, bringing me to face her. She is the Princess, she can have whatever she wants. Her dearest Daddy loves her so much. I internally roll my eyes. "Look at me when I speak Lucie. It is impolite." I nod my head, her eyes never leaving mine. I wouldn't dare disobey Princess Zana.

She is very powerful. "Is there something I can do for you princess?" I ask, my voice seeming more strong than before. Princess Zana moved forward, making me step back, my back now close to the wall.

"Yes. There is." Zana looked at my eyes again before gazing down to my lips. What is she thinking? Before I could ask her what she wanted, her eyes glowed red, making me tense up. "No talking till I say, okay." She commanded. I nodded, unable to speak.

Princess Zana snaked her hand to the back zipper of my dress. What is she doing! If she wasn't a princess, I would push her off. Suddenly my dress fell to the floor around my feet. I watched her, she smirked at my face.

"I like it this way." She murmured. Princess Zana pushed me against the wall, both her hands on my waist. If I say I kinda like this, would you think I'm weird? I dont know. But she makes me feel weird. What is that feeling?

I snapped out of my daze when I felt her soft lips on mine. Closing my eyes, I kissed her back but the kiss didn't last long. Was she teasing me? Her small hands moved, the left moving towards my bra clip the other slowly making its way towards my lower area.

Never, not in a million years have I been touched the way she is touching me. Her fingers were like fire against my skin, burning me. But however, I liked it. Her touch. "You skin is so soft." She muttered, her lips scraping across my neck as she spoke.

Suddenly my bra fell away, exposing me to the world. Princess Zana smiled, seeming to like the bra off me. I felt her lips kiss the valley of my breasts, fire and ice is what I was feeling. Her fingers fire, burning me, her lips ice cold, freezing me with this unfamiliar feeling.

Her burning fingers trailed the waist of my panties, slipping inside her index finger. "Are you wet, Lady Lucie?" A question more to herself. I gasped as I felt her finger touch me. She smirked against my skin, kissing.

She kept teasing me, making my core hot. I squirmed uncomfortably but she just pressed her finger inside of me, making me tense. Zana just giggled. "Do you like that?" No. Yes.

When I did not reply, she inserted another finger. I bit my lip to stop from crying out. She leaned closer, her eyes looking in my own. "Say it Lucie, you like this. You like the way your body is reacting. Do you know what that's called Lucie?" I shook my head. Zana leaned close to my ear, "Its called pleasure." She whispered, causing me to shiver.

Zana saw me tense and started to pull out of me but only to slide back in, back and forth. I couldn't hold it anymore. I moaned, Zana satisfied. Her free hand caressed my cheek. "You like it?" I nodded, no words but she didn't like that. She pulled in all the way, causing me to gasp. "Lucie, you like it don't you."

"No." I said. Zana didn't have time to punish me because the door flung open.

"Princess! The King needs you. The rebels are too close!" A guard shouted. Princess Zana let me go walking away but she turned before leaving, "We'll finish this later." I couldn't breathe, the oxygen in my lungs gone what the hell happened?

Shaking my head I stood and changed into my pants and singlet. I need to hurry and get away from here. If the rebels are too close I need to call it off. We cannot risk getting exposed when Killian needs to get Zakira out of the cell and this retched castle.

I ran out of the room and towards the doors of the castle but was stopped by the guards. "You Lady Lucie is arrested for attempted murder." I rolled my eyes and attacked them knocking them out cold. I didn't realise there was a figure in the hallway. Princess Zana.

"Y-your a traitor!" I shrugged and ran away into the night. What occurred tonight shall never be revealed to anyone.

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