Chapter 29 - Truth or Death

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I glare at every Deception I walk past. My hatred growing faster when we arrive closer to the ballroom. I knew that I was only going to be there for them to taunt, to hurt and beat down. Zana had the maids scrub me until my skin was red and blistered, dresses tightly around me so that I couldn't breathe. The double doors were swung open and the music was playing in my ears, my eyes connecting with the king himself. King Malek, his sadistic smirk that played on his lips as he watched me walk through those doors. Zana had gripped my arm and dragged me towards her father.

"Hello Daddy." Zana's voice purred as she kissed his cheek. King Malek's eyes hadn't left mine, trying to see any weaknesses.

"Lady Lucie or should I say, rebel leader." I hiss at him.

"I see you've figured me out." He laughs and grips the sides of his black glass throne. I watch him as he relaxes and grins at me.

"I was surprised Lucie, Lord Beau had a tight leash on you and I never expected you to rebel against us." I glare a him.

"You, you disgust me. Everyone in this room disgust me. You enslave anyone who is a threat to you, you take children away, innocent children who are NORMAL and turn them into killing machines! Now why wouldn't I rebel against you because of that?! Tell me why you never enslaved me huh? Oh wait you did! I was treated like crap, used like a puppet to do all your bid-" I gasp, gripping the hand wrapped around my throat. Choking and trying to gasp for air but King Malek had a tight grip.

"Bring her in!" King Malek yelled and lifted me in the air before he pulled my back to his front, his hand still tightly gripped around my throat. His disgusting lips against my ear, "Watch. Watch as your little friend wakes up from another death." My eyes widen as I see Zakira being thrown to the ground in the middle of the ballroom.

"No!"I yell as the crowd of Deceptions start yelling at her and kicked her slumped body. I was trapped, trying to escape King Malek's grip but I couldn't. "Stop! Stop it! Please I said I will do anything, anything you ask of me, please!"

"Enough!" Suddenly everyone obeyed and had stopped moving and Malek's grip was gone and I stumbled but getting up and running towards Zakira.

"Zakira!" I grab her, putting her head on my lap checking for injuries. Her neck had dried blood and bruises on her face. What have they been doing to her? She coughs and her eyes open slightly.

"Lucie...." I caress her face.

"Shh its okay, I'll get you out of here I promise." I whisper to her, kissing her forehead.

"That's enough now." I was ripped away from Zakira and I screamed for her fighting the grips they had on me. "Now Lucie, where is your rebel camp." I hiss and glare at Malek.

"I will never tell you, never!" He smirked and clicked his fingers and I heard Zakiras gasp. My head snapped to her, my eyes widening. They had shoved a dagger in her side. No, no please. I glasp my head and kneel down. I-I can't!

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