Chapter 14 - Mesmerized

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I still couldn't believe it. I've spent the last half an hour lying in bed with Killian, just staring at him. The smile hasn't left his face the entire time.

I was lost in him. I couldn't stop touching him. My hands where always on his chest, just feeling the warmth. His been running his hand up and down my arm most of the time. I can touch him.

I can actually touch him. Feel him. I ran my fingers through his hair a few times. It was so soft. I'd never felt anything like it. He laughed every time I did something like touch his nose or his fingers. I probably looked like some little kid seeing something for the first time but I couldn't help it. "What did you mean you're deaths son?" I asked and i felt him tense. I actually felt him tense. I didn't just see his jaw clench or his body go stiff, I felt it. I felt a quick breath drawn into his lungs as his chest tightened. I felt it.

"My mum...she uh passed away before I was even born." He said and I moved my hand over his heart. It was different. It only beat once or twice every minute.

"I'm sorry." I said and he smiled.

"Anyway, Apparently on the way to the hospital, she got into an accident. She was alive, but barely. I wasn't. My mother was a deception. She had the ability to contact the dead. She wasn't like the others though. She didn't agree with their rules and the way they treated humans. She saw Death. He came to take me. She begged and pleaded for my life. To trade her life for mine." I couldn't help but feel bad for him.

"Wouldn't death just be able to leave you and not take your soul or whatever?" I asked and he smiled.

"You would think so but sadly he can't. He doesn't control who lives and who dies, he simply controls where they go. Heaven or hell." he says. I nod and let him get back to his story.

"My mother had no idea, but Death had loved her or many years. He first encountered her when she was but a teenage when her father had died. He wanted her to live, and if he took her soul, he would have to deliver it to heaven as that is where he believed she belonged. So he did as she asked. He took her life and gave it to me. He then broke his own rules to be with her. Instead of delivering her to heaven, he took her. He took her soul with him so she was by his side for all eternity. Deaths bride. Time." he said and I gave him a confused look.

"How do you know this if you weren't even born?" I asked and he smiled.

"That's what I mean by I am deaths son." He said. He moved away and I almost clung to him. He sat on the edge of the bed so I could see the symbol on his back. A scythe.

"The sign of a grim reaper." he says as I traced my fingers over the symbol.

"I can travel between this world and deaths but it requires consuming a huge amount of souls." He said and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Thank you for telling me." I said. He lay us back down and went back to facing me.

"Now I would like to know something from your past." he says and my blood turns cold. I go to move my hand away but he grabs my wrist. "Don't stop...please" He says and I move my hand back to his chest.

"What would you like to know?" I ask and he takes a deep breath. I feel his chest expand before the breath leaves his lips.

"I heard a story long ago. I was about nine. The deception King took you in. Tried to teach you how to act. Fed you well and treated you better than his own daughter." He said and I nodded slowly.

"What happened to get you thrown back in Black soul?" he asks and I knew the question was coming but it still hurt.

"I wanted a hug." I said and he gave me a confused look.

"You're right. He took me in. Told me if I trained properly and did as I was told, I'd always be fed, I'd always be warm and I would never be alone again. I got the prettiest clothes id ever seen and the best food id ever had. I did as I was told. I trained. I learnt manners and how to be polite." I said. "One day, the king wanted to see my progress when it came to controlling my...curse. He believed that I could turn it on and off with practice, just like he can."

"I wasn't aware the king had abilties." Killian said and I nodded.

"He doesn't use them often, he doesn't need to but he does have them. I saw him use them before." I said.

"What are they?" Killian asked.

"He can read peoples mind and emotion. He obviously couldn't read Lucie's otherwise he would have known but he often showed me tricks with it. Id have to think of something and he'd tell me exactly what I was thinking." I said and Killian seemed to get angrier. I don't think he liked the fact that the king was running through my mind.

"Anyway, he came to see how my training was going. He watched everything. He watched me fight, dance, show general manners. When we were done, he told me how proud he was of me. That I was excelling in my class. I wanted to give him a hug so I went to and the next thing I know I'm flying across the room. He had kicked me so far and popped my shoulder out of place. My head felt like my brain was bleeding. He was doing something with his powers and I died from it. When I woke up I was in the kings dungeon. They tried killing me two or three times. They said it was for attempting to kill the king. I tried telling them I just wanted a hug but they didn't believe me. After the fourth time trying, they gave up and through me back in Black soul." I said.

I felt the tears run down my face as I stand up and walk over to the window. It hurt. All of it hurt. I actually thought the king cared about me, but he was using me. I feel Killian come up behind me and wrap himself around me.

"They wont hurt you again. I promise." He says and I smile a little. There was a knock on the door and we both turn to see Lucie walk in. Killian stepped in front of me a little and I grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers before snaking my arm around his.

"I'm not going to hurt her Killian." She says and He doesn't say anything. "I want to explain." She says as she puts a small box down on the bed. It looked like it was a present.

"I promised her I wouldn't let anyone do that to her again." He said.

"Zakira, may I please speak with Killian alone?" She asks. I nod before Killian turns a little and kisses my cheek.

"Go and take a shower. The tap on top is the hot water, the tap below it is the cold. Take as long as you like." He says and I smile.

"Here" Lucie says as she steps forward and passes Killian a bag. "There are some clothes in there. Please get dressed in that. I'll help you after if you want. Its a really nice dress. For Killians birthday party." She says and I look at him shocked.

"Its your birthday?" I ask and he smiles.

"Go for a shower. I'll see you after." He says and I walk into the bathroom. Lucie wants to make amends, but...Can I trust her?

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