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The next few weeks were spent with Lucie taking control of the deception castle. All those who refused Lucies reign were thrown in Purgatory.
I was offered to be Lucies right hand but I refused. I decided I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to be around children.

Five years later

"Alright class it's time for a story. Which story would you like today?" I asked my class of year twos. They were all so small and cute and easy to handle and they all we so well behaved.
"Tell us the one about how you defeated the evil king again Miss Alice!" One of the kids shouted and then the whole class agreed.
"Okay okay everyone sit down on the mat." I said as I grabbed a chair and sat down in front of everyone. One of the young girls grabbed my bare hand, her soft skin touching mine. Ever since the war ended and Lucie gained control I've felt safe. As long as I feel safe my ability stays dormant. If I begin to shake and heat up, then I need to not touch anyone but I'm safe here.
"This story begins in a dark prison where a girl named Z was imprisoned for being different. For being special. Her guard, Killian rescued her and took her to Lucie."
"Like the queen!" one of my students yelled.
"Yes exactly like our queen." I continued. "They fought back the evil king with their rebels and saved everyone from their control."
"What happened to Killian Miss Alice?" I tensed a bit. I try not to think about Killian too much. I know I'll see him one day but I miss him too much.
"He had to leave to protect Z because they fell in love."
"If he loved her why did he have to leave?" One of my other students asked.
"it was the only way to protect her. But they were eventually reunited." I said looking at the necklace around my neck.  "They will be together one day."

70 years later
"There has to be something you can do Allison." Lucie says, looking as beautiful and young as she always does. The necklace she took from Zana allows her to stay young forever which is good. The kingdom needs her.
"The cancer has spread my love. I will only be prolonging the inevitable." Allison said giving Lucie a kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry my wife."
"Lucie." I choke out and she turns her attention back to me and grabs my old wrinkly hand. "Let me go please. I want to be with Killian."
"Zakira I need you."
"Please Lucie, let me be with him." I see the hesitation cross her face before she nods and sits beside me. It's then I notice the hooded figure in the corner.
"It's time Zakira." Death says as he steps closer.
"Take me to him." I mutter as I feel my heart slow and then stop.

"I'm sure you remember these halls." Death says walking beside me as I slowly look through my memories.
"Very much so." I look down and find myself young again. "wha-"
"You're back to age you were when you were the happiest." Death says.
"Thank god. I was worried Killian would see an old granny version of me."
"Killians been busy over these last seventy years." Death said with a little giggle,.
"Don't tell me. I want to hear every story, every word, from him." We stop at the door at the end of the hallway.
"You know what to do Zakira." Death says and I open the door and step through.

After a bright light flashes before me I find myself in a beautiful house. Beautiful furniture filled the room and a soft fire burned in the fireplace.
"Zakira." A soft voice whispered from an arched hall way.
We run to one another and lock one another in a hug. Our lips collided and I swear sparks flew. We broke apart and I looked into his beautiful eyes.
"Finally, all that time apart paid off. It was all worth it to be with you again." I cried and he smiled at me.
"I watched you. Tell your students stories of how we ended the war. How we saved everyone. How you grew as a person. I saw you everyday my love."
"Then forget talking about my life. I want to hear your story here."
"I have a surprise for you first." He says as he leads me down to a hallway.
We walk into a room that looks like a nursery, a small boy sitting on the floor giggling and playing with blocks.
"This boy died a few months ago because of the plague that spread for a few weeks. He was an orphan so I took him in. This is your son Zakira."
I walk over to the young boy and pick him up. He smiled at me and touched my face.
"I wanted you to name him." Killian said and I smiled.
"How about Luca. In honour of Lucie."
"Thats beautiful my love. Now I have one more thing to ask you." Killian says as he steps closer. I watch as he drops to one knee and tears well my eyes as he presents a ring in a small black box. "Will you do me the honour, of becoming mine forever, as my wife?" I smile at him with a tear streaming down my face.
"Till death do us part."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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