Leaving the root

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I was sitting on my bed in the dimly lit room cleaning the blood off my blade thinking back at the victim who's pale corpse was probably still in the middle of the forest surrounded by its own blood. I then picked up my mask and began to clean the splatters of blood on it. The worst part of being an assassin is having to clean up after a messy job. I placed my mask down then took off my bloody uniform and threw into the empty basket I put my dirty clothes. I walked into the small bathroom and took a shower washing the blood out of my long blonde hair.

I got out of the shower and rapped a towel around my body and used another one to dry my hair. I walked out of the bathroom still in my towel then I heard a knock on the door.

"Yes." I spoke with no emotion.

"Lord Danzo wishes to speak to you right away." The person said before leaving.

I put on a black long sleeved shirt and black long pants then put a black robe/cape with my katana tied my to my back under it. I then put a hood around myself. I picked up my mask and covered my face with it. I walked out of my room and began my quick yet quiet pace through the halls of the root to lord Danzo's office. As soon as I got outside a muffled enter was heard. I entered his office and kneeled down and bowed my head.

"The hokage will be coming to get you at 10:00pm be ready by then and come to my office." He slightly growled. "You are dismissed."

I stood up and bowed before I left. I walked back to my room and took off my mask. I then walked passed a mirror I was met with an emotionless face that held dead green eyes. I've had these dead eyes before Danzo even found me. I looked away from the mirror and began to pack my bag not having many belongings. It manly consisted of weapons. I finished packing my stuff all but one object. I walked over to my bedside table and opened the draw to find a picture frame that held a picture of three young children. I started at it pain welling up in my chest. Stupid emotions why can't they just completely go away. No mater how hard I try they never stay gone but I always manage to hide them when the stupid things do pop up.

I quickly put the photo in my bag when I felt someone at my door. Knowing who it was I opened the door without my mask on to see a boy with a short black hair and a short blade on his back and black emotionless eyes. He was never given a name.

"What's up?" I asked no emotion.

"I heard you were leaving." He started simply walking into my room.

"That is true, word spreads fast around here. I bet everyone is glade I'm going." I said strapping by katana to my back and putting two blades under my sleeves.

I put my bag in my back then my black cloak and putting the hood over my head. I then put my mask on and looked over to the boy.

"I hope you stay safe." He said.

"I will. You stay safe as well." I said beginning to walk out of my room.

That boy and I had formed a strange bound ever since we became teammates. We never showed emotion when together, but we work well together. I locked my door and began my journey back to lord Danzo's office. I made in to his office and went in when told. I kneeled down and bowed my head.

"This is the girl you wanted to take hokage." Danzo said holding back a growl.

"Thank you Danzo. I will be leaving now." The hokage said.

I stood up and saw an old man and a male ninja with a mask covering his lower face and one of his eyes covered with his leaf headband. And he had silver gravity defined hair. I followed the two but bowed to Danzo before I left. I followed the two until we made it to a tower and entered what I presume to be the hokage's office.

The old man sat down and his desk and the man with silver hair stood beside him reading his book.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Tsukino." The hokage spoke.

It was weird hearing someone use that name. It's been years since my name was spoken, and to think only two people have spoken it before now.

"It is a pleasure to meet you lord hokage." I said with a dead voice and bowed to him.

"Well Tsukino I guess you're wondering why I removed you from the foundation all of the sudden." He said and I simply nodded. "Well I believe an environment such as that of the foundation is not good for a 12 year old such as you."

Why would he care?

"remove your cloak and mask please?" The hokage asked.

I slightly hesitated but took them off showing both the men in the room my emotionless face. I put both the cloak and mask in my bag and looked back at the hokage.

"Thank you Tsukino. I wish for you to come back to my office first thing tomorrow so I can explain some stuff to you. But for now Kakashi will be taking you to your apartment." The hokage explained and I nodded.

The man reading a book walked out of the room and I followed him. We walked through the empty village and I memorised the way as we walked. We made it to my apartment and Kakashi handed me the keys. I bowed to him showing respect to the man who was well known even in the root. He left without speaking.

I opened the door to see a simple apartment with two stories. The fist floor had an simple lounge room that connects to the kitchen and the second floor had a bathroom and a bedroom. I walked into the bedroom and unpacked my belongings. I put the photo frame in the draw of the bedside table and closed the draw. I fell on my bed and went to sleep.

~~~~hokage's pov~~~~

I sat in my office looking through the file of Tsukino. The poor girl, she's been through so much for such a young girl. She's looked and sounded so emotionless. And no child so be like that. I hope that the people in this village can help her and break the emotionless mask that she wears. And possible shed some light in this girls dark life.

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