why was i put on a stupid genin team

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I sat up in a tree watching my teammates train.

"Kakashi sensei shouldn't we wait for Tsukino, she is our teammate?" Sakura asked.

"you do not need to worry about that, she is here she just hasn't showed herself yet." Kakashi explained.

I pulled out my book and began to read it. I sat up in the tree for two hours reading my book but looked away from it when I felt Kakashi in front of me. I looked him dead in the eye.

"do you need something?" I asked with no emotion.

"yes, come train with us." He said.

I ignored him and went back to reading my book and Kakashi sighed and jumped out of the tree and went back to training the genin. The sun was setting and the training was finally over. I closed my book and prepared to jump away but was stopped by Kakashi's voice.

"you want to come get ramen with us?" Kakashi asked looking up at me.

I looked at him with a blank face and shook my head then jumped away. I was running home but I noticed someone following me so I went in the opposite direction. I went into a secluded area in a back ally and jumped to the ground. When I stopped, the person following stopped. I slipped one of the blades under my sleeves out into my hand and held it tightly as I prepared to confront the person following me. In a second I disappeared and reappeared behind the person following me. I put my blade to their neck but lowered it when I noticed who it was.

"sorry did I scare you?" Kakashi said scratching his neck.

"no, that would imply emotion and as we have established I don't feel emotion." I said dully to him.

I went to walk away but my wrist was grabbed. I looked behind me and saw Kakashi holding me.

"so, you're into kids, never would have pegged you as a pedophile but the more you know." I said with no emotion.

He let go of my wrist and had an embarrassed look on his face.

"that's not what I was doing and you know that. I wanted to check on you, you haven't eaten and you need your energy. So, let me get you food, I'm paying." He said.

"why do you care?" I asked.

"I just do you brat!" he snapped.

I agreed to let him buy me dinner because he said he knows where I live and will make me dinner and I didn't want to deal with that. He took me to a restaurant and forced me to sit down. I ordered beef stir fry and he ate I don't know because I really don't care. We both read our books the whole time. When I finished, I went to put down money for my food but was stopped.

"I said I was paying, remember." Kakashi said.

I ignored him and put the money down and walked out of the restaurant. I heard Kakashi waking out and quickly jumped away knowing he would probably try and give me back my money. I made it home and took a shower and got ready for bed. Why was I put on a stupid genin team? 

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