bell test

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i walked out of the shower and put on my usual outfit. i walked out of the shower and into the kitchen to see my three owls on the bench. i opened the fridge and pulled out rabbit meat and put it on a plant then on the ground. the three owls jumped off the bench and ate the rabbit. i went back into the fridge and got multiple fruits. i cut the fruit up and put it in a bowl. i sat up on the bench and ate it. i finished up and so did the owls and i washed the dishes. 

i dismissed my three owls and headed to the meeting spot for the stupid test. i made it there and jumped up into a tree and waited. the three genin soon made it all looking tired and hungry. oh that's right i wasn't suppose to eat breakfast, well can't take that back now. 

i read my book slightly listing into the conversations of the genin well more like their complaining. Kakashi was late like really late, hours late, but personally i didn't care more time for me to read my book. when Kakashi finally showed up Naruto and Sakura started shouting at him for being late.

I stayed in my tree as Kakashi explained the test. he's trying to get us to use teamwork. however unlike him i didn't see the impotence in teamwork, it was easier to work on your own, there will be no need to worry about protecting them. i watched as Naruto ran at Kakashi but Kakashi held him down.

"don't be in such a hurry i didn't even say start yet, but you came at me with the full intent of destroying me so what can i say, i'm actually starting to like you guys." Kakashi said.

"wait, Kakashi sensei shouldn't we wait for Tsukino to shown up?" Sakura asked.

I was slightly surprised she even remembered me but easily hid it. 

"oh don't worry she's already here somewhere." Kakashi said and i swore i saw him smile.  "now begin."

two of the three genin jumped away and hid. but the third, Naruto went to fight Kakashi head on. he's an idiot those two seem similar it was scary. i snapped myself out of my thoughts and focused on the fight. i watched as Kakashi made a hand sign and my  eyes slightly narrowed. Kakashi wouldn't do that would he, the kid will die. i pulled out a kunai just in case. i watched and Kakashi put his fingers up Naruto's butt. those two are both idiots. i  put my kunai away. i watched and was slightly shocked when Naruto preformed the shadow clone jutsu, that a high level jutsu, how did he learn it? soon the fight was over by Naruto falling for a stupid trap and ending up hanging upside down. 

once Kakashi left i jumped out of my  tree and threw a kunai at the rope Naruto was hanging from. 

"oh you are here Tsukino, well thanks." Naruto said. 

"hey brat wanna team up?" i asked with no emotion knowing the only way they were going to pass was by working as a team.

"sorry i can't if i wanna become hokage i have to do this on my own." he declared running off. 

i ignored him and continued on my way then i heard i high pitched scream and went in that direction. when i made it to my location i saw Sakura on the ground passed put. she got caught in a genjutsu. i released her from it and she soon woke up. when she opened her eyes and looked at me. 

"wanna team up?" i asked in my usual tone already knowing her answer. 

"no i can't i have to find my Sasuke." she said running off. 

i ignored her and continued on my way. next was Sasuke but from the information i was given he'll also reject my offer thinking i'll drag him down. i quickly found Sasuke to see he was trapped under ground. i looked down at him and he just glared at me. i put chakra into my hands and pulled him out. 

"team?" i asked dully.

"hn, no you'll only drag me down." he said before walking off.

i ignored me and focused my attention to the silver haired ninja in the tree behind me watching me. i pulled out my katana and held it firmly in my hand. i heard him jump down behind me. i slowly turned around to see him leaning against a tree reading his book. Kakashi Hatake copy cat ninja, use to be an ANBU. if i went into a one on one battle with him it could go either way more likely i would lose. but all i had to do was get the bells. 

i held my katana and went running at him i slashed at him and he barley blocked it with a kunai. i jumped back a bit. he put his book away and looked at me. i went running at him again and he blocked my katana. using my free hand i slipped one of the blades under my sleeves out and into my hand. i used this blade to cut the bells and caught them and quickly jumped away. 

his eye slightly widened when he realised all three bells were gone. i threw the bells to the three very badly hiding genin that watch our fight. after all i was an ANBU and if i failed this test it wouldn't change anything. 

we were back and the three stumps and Naruto was on one of the stumps the other two were sitting on the ground and i sat on the top of the stump to Naruto's left. they all looked at Kakashi intently wait for his words while i sat there no emotions showing. 

"I've decided three of you shall not be going back to the academy." Kakashi said.

the three of them celebrated but i had an idea of what was happening. 

"that's right three of you will be dropped from the program." he said smiling. 

they all freaked out and i stayed sitting there not really caring.

"wait three but there's four of us, so one of us passed." Sakura said. 

"that's right Tsukino passes." kakashi said. 

saw this coming a mile away. 

"but she doesn't even have a bell." Naruto whined. 

"who got you those bells." Kakashi said his voice getting lower. 

"Tsukino." Naruto mumbled. 

"that's right you three don't think like ninja you think like brats." Kakashi said.

Sasuke got mad and ran at Kakashi and Sasuke was pinned to the ground. 

"you think it's all about you, you don't know what it means to be a ninja, you think it's a game. why do you think we put you on squads. you couldn't figure out what the test was about." Kakashi scolded.

"i wanted to ask about that from the beginning." Sakura said. 

"see that's it you don't think like ninja, Tsukino is the only one who figured it out. tell them." Kakashi said pointing to me. 

"teamwork." i stated dully.

they all looked down. 

"Sakura you obsessed over Sasuke when Naruto was right in front of you and you wouldn't lift a finger to help him and you refused Tsukino's offer to team up. Naruto you do everything on your own everything, and also refused Tsukino's offer for help. And you Sasuke thought the others were so beneath you and would only drag you down and refused Tsukino's offer for help." they all looked down ashamed. "if you don't work as a team many things can go wrong. for example Sakura kill Naruto or Sasuke dies."

i zoned out after this and only zoned back in when Kakashi came back looking pissed. i listened into the conversation and found out  they all passed. once we were aloud to go i jumped away but threw a kunai at the ropes binding Naruto to the post causing him to face plant to the ground.  i went back home and face panted onto my bed. that boy Naruto is so similar to him it's scary. i snapped out of my thoughts and rolled onto my back and read my book. 

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