Stage two

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Everyone entered the forest of death. I sat in a tree waiting for Anko to tell me to do something. Then I heard my name being called by the wired woman. I jumped out of the tree and went to Anko only to see them surrounding a dead body of a faceless woman. My eyebrows frowned in confusion. I swear I saw that woman enter the forest of death.

"Tsukino do you remember seeing this woman enter the forest of death." Anko asked.

"Yes I do." I said with my arms crossed.

"That means he's here." Anko slightly growled.

That's when I figured out what she was talking about. Orochimaru was in the forest of death.

"Would you like me to inform the hokage?" I asked.

Anko nodded and I went to the hokages office. When I entered I saw Yuudai.

"What did you want Tsukino?" The hokage asked.

"Orochimaru is in the forest of death." I stated.

"Well we're not going to stop the chunin exam because that's probably what he wants. Tsukino I want you to train with Yuudai." The hokage said.

I looked at Yuudai. I had to train with him. Great jut great.

"Very well lord hokage." I said.

He nodded and I left his office with Yuudai.

"So you told the hokage about our deal." Yuudai said.

"Of course I am loyal to the hokage." I stated simply.

He smiled and placed his hand on my head.

"You're a good kid. I'm looking forward to training you." He said.

I rolled my eyes at him. He laughed.

"If you don't mind me asking why do you want to kill Orochimaru?" I asked looking up at him.

"He killed some people who were very important to me." Yuudai said.

"I'm sorry." I apologise guilt filling me.

"It's fine, that was a long time ago." He said smiling down at me.

I looked up at him and gave him a small smile. We made it to a training ground and he began to train me. It was tough but he didn't over work me. He was careful not to push me to far. It was a very different experience from being trained by Danzo. I actually enjoyed training with Yuudai. He didn't put me down and make me feel weak. He didn't punish me for making a mistake. He treated me like a human not just a tool to be used. We finished the training when the sun set.

"You hungry, what do you want my treat." Yuudai said smiling.

I looked down thinking what I wanted. I never really got to chose what I wanted I was always told.

"Um can we get ramen?" I asked.

"Good choice lets go!" He yelled dragging me to ramen.

When we got there we ate well if you could call downing one bowl of ramen in one second eating yea we were eating. When we finished I had one bowl while Yuudai had fifty no joke. We got up and I began walking tobthe forest of death Yuudai following behind me.

"So you're worried about the genin aren't you?" He asked.

"Of course not." I said coldly.

"What happened to make you want to hide your emotions so much?" Yuudai mumbled.

I didn't answer and just made my way to the forest of death and stood outside it hearing the occasional scream.

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