I am a monster

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I sat in a tree and I heard flapping and my three owls landed next to me. They then explained to me the best way out and I already knew how we were going to go about this.

"Akane go inform Sen of this plan. And Shouta go inform Kioshi. Chie stay with me." I said and the two flew off.

"Milady what if this plan goes wrong?" Chie asked.

"Then one of us will probably die." I said simply.

"In other words you. You wouldn't let anyone else die." Chie said sadly.

"That is true. But all I have to do is make sure the plan doesn't go wrong." I said simply.

"You're to kind for you own good milady."

"Me kind? Not possible I just take pride in my ability and if my plan goes wrong I should be the one to suffer for my mistakes. Besides I don't plan on dying anytime soon." I said stroking Chie.

"You say you're not kind and yet I can think of a thousand things that prove you are kind." Chie said.

"That's because you try to see the good within me but the bad outweighs the good by a lot." I said.

"What's make you bad?"

"The amount of people I've killed my ability to be cruel, my ability to push aside my emotions and many more reasons."

"You are like like because of the way you were raised. You were moulded to be like that by Takeshi and Danzo. But underneath the facade you put up to make them happy you're a kind gentle girl who is just lonely and wants someone to accept her for the person she is."

"The person I am is a heartless monster not worthy of love."

"Tsukino-" chie began an but stopped when the others came.

I jumped out of the tree and chie landed on my head and Akane and Shouta inn my shoulders.

"Are you ready?" I asked with no emotion.

They nodded and we went to set up for the plan and we should be done setting up by sunset. As I was setting up Chie's words rung through my head. Me a lonely girl who wants someone to love her. That's a funny thought. I've killed so many people in my short life that it would be wrong of me to want love. Every night I hear the screams and pleads of my victims. But I'm a tool that was created to kill. I was stupid opening my heart up to people I don't deserve friends, love or happiness considering I've taken that away from thousands of people.

I finished setting up and went to the meeting place to see the others walking there to. We looked at each other and nodded. We went into action first going to the cells to save the kid. When we got there we knocked out the guards. We followed the directions my owls gave us to find the child. Sen pulled out keys that she pickpocket from the guards earlier and unlocked the cell and the kid ran into her brothers arms.

"This is cute and all but we need to leave." I said.

"Just give us a min-" Kioshi began but was cut off by yelling.


"Hurry up." I said shoving then to the escaped route.

"What about you?" Den asked.

"I'll hold them back and kill Takeshi while you escape. My owls are waiting out of the base go to them and they'll lead you to the leaf." I said still pushing them.

They looked at me and reluctantly ran. I sighed standing in the hallway as I heard multiple footsteps. Well I guess the plan didn't go right. Soon a larg group of warriors stood in front of me. They all took strikes at me but I easily dodged them.

"This is pathetic." I mumbled.

I pulled out a dagger I had hidden and took out all of the warriors in seconds. I ended at the end of the hallway to see Takeshi looking at me in horror.

"Y-you're a monster." He said stumbling backwards.

"Yes a monster you began to created but who's strength was made stronger by another monster." I said with no emotion. "I'll see you in hell." I said slitting his throat.

I began to walk out of the base but stopped when a man with orange hair and purple eyes stood in front of me.

"That was impressive. I'll come for you so be ready." He said disappearing.

I stood there confused before shaking it away and heading back to the leaf.

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