Zabuza returns

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I sat on the side of the bridge with Sakura as she watched Sasuke who sat on the other side of the bridge with Kakashi. Naruto wasn't here because he overworked himself. I had Shouta what over the house that we were staying at. Akane was flying around on look out in case Zabuza showed up. Chie sat next to me and I subconsciously stroked her.

I went on high alert when I felt two unknown chakras coming closer. I looked to Kakashi and he nodded.

"Akane come back," I ordered and she did.

Akane was soon beside me. Kakashi and I were both on high alert but easily hid it so not to worry the genin just in case is wasn't Zabuza.

"Isn't he so perfect." I heard Sakura mumble.

I looked at her from the corner of my eye. Why is she so fussed over some boy, it's completely meaningless. You will always lose the ones you love. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt the two chakras extremely close. I looked to Kakashi and his visible eye slightly narrowed. He then met my gaze and I knew straight away that is was Zabuza.

"Protect the bridge builder," Kakashi spoke and we all went to the bridge builder.

"What's happening," Sakura said fear in her voice.

"Don't show your fear. You'll be fine." I said looking at her and she relaxed a bit.

"Hn. So what is happening?" Sasuke asked.

"Zabuza is nearly here," I stated to them and I watched as the all stiffened.

I ignored their fear and grabbed my katana.

"Stay focused," I said to them and they nodded.

"You four," Kakashi spoke drawing our attention. "If I can't give you orders of what to do listen to what Tsukino tells you." He said.

"But why Kakashi sensei?" Sakura asked confused.

"Just Listen to Tsukino." He demanded and they all nodded.

"Why are you putting their lives in my hands. I'm not taking this responsibility," I said to Kakashi with no emotion.

"Well, I'm team learned so you listen to me." He demanded.

I just looked at him and reluctantly nodded.great, just great, now I have these brats hands in my life. Zabuza created multiple clones. I saw someone shaking in the corner of my eye and I looked at them to see Sasuke, but I felt no fear coming from him.

"Look Kakashi your student shaking in fear." Zabuza said.

"No, I'm shaking in excitement." He smirk.

Kakashi gave Sasuke the okay and Sasuke destroyed all the water clones.

"That's brats improving. Seems you got a rival Haku." Zabuza spoke.

"So it seems." The boy next to him responded.

My team and Tazuna began talking about the boy who tricked them. One comment caused a pang in my chest. That was when Sasuke said who does he think he's fooling hiding behind a mask. The idiot sometimes all you have left is your mask to hide behind. And when it come to protecting someone dear to you you're willing to do anything. Even deceive others. I should know.


There was a loud smash and Hiroto and I quickly spun around to see Kuzumi knocked over a vase in our masters mansion. My eyes slightly widened as I heard heavy footsteps coming to us. Soon our master stood in front of us.

"Who the fuck broke that!" Our master growled.

Kuzumi was bout to speak but I cut him off.

"It was I master. I'm extremely sorry and willing to accept any punishment you deem necessary." I spoke putting the emotionless mask I already developed up.

My master grew furious and grabbed me.

"At least your willing to make up for your stupidity. You'll  be punished for 5 hours. You two leave now!" He spoke.

The two hesitated but after I gave them a firm glare the walked away with hesitation. I was dragged to the basement that I was all to accustom to. I was thrown into a dim room that had chains connected to the roof and floor. A man walked out with a smile and chained me up.

"So you're back. Let me guess, you didn't do anything but covered up for someone." He said with a sinister smile on his face.

"And what makes you think that." I growled.

"Because your to smart to get in trouble after one time." He said still smiling.

"If you know this then why haven't you told my master yet?" I questioned.

"Because I enjoy hurting you. You have a lot more spunk and determination. You have never broken when you've been with me. You always stay strong. You're a challenge." He said laughing.

I just kept my emotionless mask up and tried my best to hold back my screams.

~~~~end of flashback~~~~

I snapped myself out of my daze and focused once again on the scene in front of me to see Sasuke fighting Zubaza's partner. Well this should be interesting.

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