Leaving the village

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I walked back into the leaf and went to the hokages office immediately. When I entered I bowed.

"I'm extremely sorry for disappearing" I apologised to her.

She looked mad but after I told her what happened she looked calmer. She then told me what happen while I was gone. I was shocked but hid it. Sasuke left and the team that went after him was extremely injured. As soon as I was dismissed I went on my way to the hospital. I threw a kunai into a tree but then two blades were held to my neck in a x formation.

"Your reflexes are as good as ever." A male said.

"What do you want." I asked with a flat voice.

"Lord Danzo ordered your presence." The other one said which was a female.

"I am no longer under Danzo's power. I work for the hokage now meaning I have no obligation to go to him." I stated with no emotion.

"Your composer is impeccable considering two people hold blades to your throat and you stand there like this happens everyday." The male said.

"May I ask you remove the blades from my neck." I stated.

"Only if you agree to go to lord Danzo." The female said.

"You're really going to make this harder than it has to be." I said.

I got away from them and knocked one down and stood on their back while I held the other in my arms holding a kunai to their throat.

"You will not order me to do anything." I stated.

They both growled. But I felt a blade being held to the back of my neck.

"Fine I'll go see Danzo." I said walking away.

I went to the root and crept my way through the halls. Until I made it to Danzo's office.

"Enter." Danzo ordered.

I entered and stood in front of him. The second I saw him horrible memories replayed themselves in my head mainly the one of killing my brother for that stupid test. I stood in front of Danzo tall putting up all my walls. Just by looking at the man I knew he was planing something.

"You will join the akatsuki and report to me fortnightly." He said.

I was shocked but easily hid it looking Danzo in the eyes.

"And what's makes you think I'll follow your orders. I work for the hokage now." I stated.

"You are a tool I created. You will do what I say. But if that's not enough to convince you how is this? I will kill all the people you have stupidly grown relationships with." He said.

My eyes went slightly wide. He was being dead serious. I glared at him and he just smirked.

"Very well lord Danzo." I said reluctantly bowing.

I left his office and went back to walking to the hospital. I felt pain well up in my chest knowing what I had to do. But before I betrayed the village I wanted to see one person before I left. I snuck into Neji's hospital room and stood next to his hospital bed as he slept.

"This is stupid. I'm stupid. I've stupidly fallen in love with you. Despite how many times I've been told to suppress my emotions you've somehow broken down all my walls. However someone like you deserves someone so much better than me. And someone like me doesn't deserve love. However you'll always stay in my heart." I said looking at him.

I went to walk away but a hand grabbed my wrist. I looked behind me and saw Neji. He pulled me down and pinned me down on the bed. I looked at him and I felt my face heat up.

"You said you love me?" He said with a smile on his face.

"Be quiet." I stated.

He looked down at me and before I knew it his lips connected to mine. My eyes went wide and when he pulled away tears spilled from my eyes. He wiped my tears away.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I-I don't deserve l-love." I chocked out.

"I'll wait for you to understand how important you are to me and how much I love you." Neji said.

"I'm so sorry." I said.

He was about to ask why but I put him in a genjutsu and he collapsed onto me. I stood and laid him onto the bed and covered him with the blankets.

"I'm so sorry Neji. I don't want to betray you. I truly love you but if I don't do this you could die as well as others. And I won't let that happen." I said tears falling from my eyes and splashing onto Neji's face.

I left the hospital room just before a nurse entered. I walked out of village and my three owls soon flew next to me. I took off my my forehead protector and put in a pocket hiding it. But then the same man a saw when escaping Takeshi' base appeared in front of me.

"I'm the leader of the akatsuki and I want you to become a member." He said.

I of course agreed putting my walls up. I will not show emotions from now on. He then lead me to the current hideout of the akatsuki. Well then next few years should be interesting.

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