Team Guy

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I sat up in a tree as I watched team Guy. The information my three owls gave me were interesting to say the least.

"Who are we even waiting for." A young boy with long hair who I'm almost certain was Neji asked.

"She's an ANBU ranked ninja." Guy answered.

The girls eyes which belonged to Tenten as well as the Lee boys widened. I sighed and appeared behind the genin. They all turned to me. The girl looked happy and the Lee looked like he was ready to start screaming. And Neji just looked at me with a scroll.

"You're late!" Neji growled at me.

"For your information I was here before all of you, you just didn't notice me in the tree." I said looking him dead I the eyes.

"SUCH A YOUTHFUL PRINCESS!" Lee and Guy yelled.

Lee ran at me with unbelievable speed and I dodged by a hair. He ran head first into a tee. I looked at him with no emotion.

"So this is the girl who going to help train us?" Tenten asked.

"Yes, my name is Tsukino." I stated bluntly.

They all introduced themselves and we began training. At first I just observed them. They were skilled that's without a doubt. But I'm not sure if their chunin level yet. They have a chance at passing the chunin exam but that's a small chance. I've seen the way new chunin fight and it'll be a challenge for these three. As I was watching them I noticed they all I had one open spot when fighting.

"What are you even doing. You seem to just be lazing around." Neji said up to me.

My eyes narrowed I quickly disappeared and hit Neji in his left side Tenten her lower back and Lee in his gut then appeared next to Guy. The three genin crouched to the ground in pain.

"Where I just hit you three are the main open spot you have. Keep that in mind and come up with a way to dodge any attacks aiming there or a counter attacks." I explained.

They all looked at me wide eyed except for Neji who glared at me. I felt Guy coming to hug me so I quickly jumped back into the tree I was in.

"SUCH YOUTHFULNESS!" He shouted at me.

I sighed and and read my book while observing the genin for the rest of the training session. When it finished I went to TI and waited in Ibiki's office. I looked blankly at him when he entered his office and his eyes narrowed at me.

"What are you doing here? And who are you?" He asked with authority.

"I'm here because I'll be helping you with the first stage of the chunin exam. And my name is Tsukino." I answered bluntly.

He looked at me the sat down on his desk that I was sitting on. He pulled out some paperwork and I turned around and watched him. He then started to explain the first stage to me.

"You are a cruel basted." I said smiling at him.

"I try." He said smiling. "But once you hear what Anko has planned I'll seem like a saint." He said with a small laugh.

"Can't wait. So need help with anything while I'm here?" I asked looking at him.

He then passed me paperwork to do.

"Maybe I shouldn't have asked." I mumbled beginning to do it.

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