Thank you three

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~~~~Haku's pov~~~~

The girls eyes and mine met and for a second and I saw the pain in her eyes for a second. But she hid it quickly. There was such sadness and pain in her eyes. She knew how I feel.

~~~~Tsukino's pov~~~~

More sebon came flying at us. I threw sebon to block the ones about to hit Sasuke and used myself as I shield for Naruto. The boys didn't get hit this time, however I was covered in blood with multiple sebon in me.

"Tsukino! Are you okay?" Naruto said worried.

"I'm fine you idiot." I mumbled.

This continued for a little while and my vision was being to blur. However I stood my ground. Naruto stood up and began to run to the exit again and Sasuke hit Haku when he attacked but the two boys as well as me still got hit multiple times by sebon. Soon Naruto completely passed out, I'm surprised he stayed conscious for as long as he did. Now it was just Sasuke and I.

"You can cover yourself right?" I asked Sasuke.

"Yes why?" He said.

"Because I won't be able to cover you while covering Naruto." I answered duly.

"Who will cover you then?" He asked with slight worry.

"Just worry about yourself. I'll be fine." I said with no emotion, but in reality I knew I probably wouldn't get out of this alive.

Haku once again attacked and I covered Naruto but not myself gaining many more wounds. When the attack was over I looked over to Sasuke to make sure he was okay and he was. I then looked down at Naruto to see him squirm slightly. I guess he'll wake up soon. I saw Haku coming out of one of his mirrors and hit me and forced me against one of his mirrors. He held my katana in his hand and stabbed it through my stomach and went back into his mirrors. I collapsed to the ground as my vision became extremely blurry.

I watched what happened and tried to get up but couldn't. Many sebon were thrown at Naruto but Sasuke used himself as a shield for Naruto. I cringed slightly as all the sebon entered Sasuke. I put my hand in the hilt of my katana pulling it out making a sickly sound of flesh ripping. I tried to stand again to get to Sasuke but I once again fell. Crap! No I can't let him die like my brothers. Sasuke soon fell to the ground motionless. Naruto got pissed and released some of the 9 tails chakra. He punched Haku out of the mirrors.

I however wasn't worried to much about Naruto I could deal with him later. I had to get to Sasuke now before it was to late. I stood up and began to wobble over to Sasuke. I kneeled beside him and began to pull all the sebon out of him. I looked to my side when Sakura fell down.

"Stop crying." I said sharply to her.

She glared at me and balled her hands up into fists.

"Who do you think you are! I have every right to cry. I've know him since we were kids. You're a heartless bitch. Move away from him now!" She shouted.

"Shut up and move back." I growled.

She was about to open her mouth again but moved away when she saw my glare. I looked down at Sasuke and placed my hand onto his chest. I forced my chakra to his heart and felt my life slowly slipping away from me. I continued to force my chakra to his heart and stopped when he began to breath again. I quickly moved away and sat down away from everyone and watched everything play out as my eyes became heavy. I looked to my side and smiled weakly when I saw my three owls at my side.

"Thank you three for always being here for me." I mumble.

I looked up to the sky and felt blood drip out of my mouth. I laid myself down and let my heavy eyes close.

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