Ignoring kakshi

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I was laying on my couch reading my book. Well that was until I head a Knock on the door. Still reading my book I went to the door and opened it. When I opened it I was met with Kakashi. I closed my book and looked up at him.

"Come on the hokage said I needed to show you around." He said reading his book.

"Thanks but I don't need help." I said.

He just grabbed my arm and dragged me out of my apartment. I easily broke free from his grasp and headed back to my apartment. Only to be picked up and thrown over Kakashi shoulder.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked no emotion.

"The hokage told me to show you around and that's what I'm going to do even if I have to do it like this." He said simply.

I simply let him carry me and read my book completely ignoring what he was saying. I really didn't care about what he was say or the weird looks we were getting. All of the sudden I felt myself falling and I quickly outstretched my arm bouncing off it and landed on my feet. I closed my book and looked at Kakashi to see him looking at me.

"You sure are going to be a handful." He said his hand on his face.

I simply ignored him and walked away.

"Meet me tomorrow on the academy roof. That's where you're going to meet the team you're on." He said.

I raised my hand showing I heard him as I walked away. I went back to my apartment and laid down on the couch and read my book for the rest of the day.

Then sun has now set and I was still reading my book but then my stomach growled. I put my book down and walked h to the kitchen and made chicken stir-fry. I placed it on the table and sat down.

"Thank you for the meal." I said my hands together.

I ate it then washed up the dishes. I then walked up to my room and sat on my bed. I looked to my bedside table and opened the draw and took out the photo. I looked at it and I felt my chest tightened. I then felt tears fill my eyes and I quickly put the photo back in the draw and forced my tears back. I was not allowed to show emotions. I was trained to lock them away and that's what I shall do.

I laid down and closed my eyes and let darkness engulfed me. Isn't it funny that if you're forced to spend enough time with something you fear you get use to it but never fully over come you fear of it. But if you willing spend time with it you no longer fear it and come to understand it more?

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