8:15 AM

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"hi, how can i help you today?" yoongi smiled at the two people who walked up to the front desk. one of them seemed really familiar to yoongi.

"hi, we're here to visit jung hoseok." one male spoke up. yoongi quickly typed the name in in search for the room.

"his room is 15e but he isn't there at the moment. he's getting some tests done and you will have to wait a while. if you'd like, i can escort you back there when his tests are finished." yoongi glanced up.

"yeah, that's fine. thank you." the male nods.

"no problem." yoongi nodded back.

"visitors for jung hoseok?" yoongi called out, hoseok's information on a clipboard under yoongi's arm. the pair stood up, walking up to yoongi. "this way." yoongi led them to hoseok's room. he knocked twice on the door before opening up. "hi, you have some visitors today." yoongi nods.

"thank you." hoseok weakly nods. yoongi opened the door wider for the pair to walk in, widening their eyes at hoseok.

"hobi, are you okay?" the other male asked.

"i'm fine." hoseok waved him off.

"yoongi!" jimin called out.

"minnie." yoongi smiled. jimin hugged him, pressing a small kiss on his cheek.

"wanna visit hoseok?" jimin peeked through the door.

"sure." yoongi nods. they head inside and hoseok welcomes them.

"jimin?" the first male asked in shock.

"namjoon hyung? seokjin hyung?" jimin widened his eyes. yoongi widened his eyes. he remembers a namjoon.

"oh my god, kid," they hugged him, "you have pink hair!" seokjin points out.

"i know." jimin chuckles.

"how are you?" namjoon held a small smile.

"i'm great, i'm great. what about you two?" jimin grinned.

"we're fine," they grin back, "long time no damn see."

"i know, i've been busy with work and family," jimin informed, "and a boyfriend." jimin blushes.

"boyfriend? who?" namjoon smirked. jimin looked at yoongi who was already looking at him.

"yoongi." jimin couldn't help but smile at him.

"you're so cute." yoongi grins.

"yoongi?" namjoon muttered under his breath, furrowing his brows at yoongi.

"he's hot!" seokjin smirked. "how did you get a guy like him?"

"he made the first move, bugged me on the subway car." jimin chuckles.

"he was a cold bitch but i warmed him up." yoongi shrugged, wrapping an arm around the younger.

"i can't believe our jiminnie has a boyfriend. we raised him so well." hoseok faked a tear.

jimin laughed, hiding the blush on his face. yoongi immediately put a hand on the small of jimin's back, preventing him from falling. jimin has a tendency of falling or stumbling when he laughs. yoongi noticed it when they hung out and he almost fell but caught himself after laughing. yoongi found it cute, innocent.

"so, yoongi, have you met the mom yet?" seokjin tilts his head slightly.

"oh yeah," yoongi nods, "the first time i went to their house, his mom had an eye for us after he came out."

"really?" hoseok asked, intrigued.

"yeah, she had asked us or implied if we were dating. she was a sneaky fangirl and 'secretly' took pictures of us or giggled whenever we were close to each other. she might have thought she was sneaky, but no. i knew her plan all along and that was to get us together." yoongi grinned.

"now that is mrs. park," namjoon chuckles, "she's the one who got seokjin and i together."

"that's so cute." yoongi grins. "you look really familiar, by the way." yoongi tells namjoon.

"you do too, what's your full name?" namjoon took a step forward.

"min yoongi." yoongi tells him. namjoon widened his eyes.

"oh my god, do you remember me?" he chuckles.

"oh my god, yeah! i do! underground rapping still?" yoongi grins.

"nah, not anymore." he shakes his head.

"me either." yoongi nods.

"how do you guys know each other?" jimin wondered.

"namjoon was my-" yoongi was cut off by a warning stare from namjoon, "-my old friend in high school." he lies.

"really? that's cool. small world then." seokjin chuckles.

yoongi and namjoon used to be underground rappers and they used to be in a gang. namjoon was the leader of it, yoongi held the second highest position. that was all back in high school, and they were pretty dangerous. they used to beat people until they were unconscious, maybe almost 'dead' or in a state where they'll just lie there and black out. they didn't want to do that, but sometimes they had to since they needed to protect themselves.

"oh yeah, i forgot to ask, do you have hoseok's information?" jimin asked.

"oh yeah, here." yoongi hands him the chart.

"thanks." jimin blushed, looking away.

"don't hide your blush from me, minnie. don't be shy either." yoongi smirked.

"shush." jimin blushed again, hiding behind the clipboard. yoongi chuckled and removed the clipboard from his face, engulfing him into a loving hug.

"i'd like to stay like this longer but i have to go back out, my shift isn't done yet." yoongi whispers.

"kiss me." jimin looked up.





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