Dick Grayson x reader

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Bio-reader is a student at Gotham academy and is good friends with Dick. They don't know about Dick being Robin.

You were lolling around on Dick's bed at Wayne manor, while Dick was sitting on the floor. You were supposed to be studying together, but after an hour or so you both got bored and decided to play video games.

"Did you hear about what happened to Batman and Robin last night?" You asked him.
"I heard they let the joker get away" Dick grumbled.
"Yeah. Guess they just went feeling the aster that night". You smile at Dick, using one of his stupid made up words. He laughed at you. "Yeah, guess they weren't " he replied.
"Anyway, there something I wanted to ask you. " he said.
you sat up.
"OK ,shoot"
"Well you know about the Wayne charity ball that's coming up? Well Bruce has been onto me about getting a date so I wondered if you would like to go with me?" He said.
You paused. Was he asking you on a date?

"I mean, it will probably be boring as hell. They usually are" he said.
"Ok sure, I'll go. Great, now I have to go dress shopping. " you said. Dick chucked.
"Oh, don't worry about it. Just give Alfred your size and he will find something. My treat. " he said.

Wait, now he's buying me a dress? Oh my god, he's serious about this being a date!

Small time skippey to ball -

Dick picked you up in his limo, and you had to admit he did look dashing in his tux. The dress Alfred had chosen was beautiful, and Dick had also chosen some heels to match. He also arranged for a hair and makeup stylist to come to your house so you looked perfect.

"You look beautiful. " he said.

"The shoes hurt. " you replied. Not being a girly-girl you didn't dress up like this very often.

He looped his arm with yours and gave you a quick smile as you exited the limo and walked together through the corridor of paparazzi, with Bruce following behind in his suit.

"You doing ok?" Dick asked you. He knew that you never really were a fan of big crowds.
"Yeah, fine. C'mon, let's get inside" you said as Dick took your hand and you walked into the main ballroom. There were about 100 people in the ballroom, all looking as beautiful and rich as the next. You and Dick found a quiet corner to stand in most of the night.

It was around halfway through the night and you and Dick were dancing together. You looked into his deep blue eyes and smiled. You really wanted to kiss him.

As if he was reading your mind, Dick leaned in. Just as your lips were about to collide suddenly the lights shut off. Screaming was heard throughout the room, and then an explosion.
"What the hell was that?!" You whisper-shouted.
"I don know. Come on, follow me. " Dick said as he grabbed your hand an pulled you through the crowds of people. He was remarkably calm for a situation like this.

He eventually stopped in a corner where you hid behind a pillar. Suddenly a creepy voice filled the room.

"Hello Gotham! I am very pleased to inform you that you are all now hostages! Don't try anything funny, or we'll be sending your head home in a lunch box!"

A sickening laugh followed.

"Joker. " you and Dick said in unison. This was Gotham after all, and this was somewhat normal now.

"Listen Y/n, I gotta go find Bruce. Please, promise me you'll stay here and stay out of sight. Got it?" He said.

Wow, Dick is so calm. How can he be this calm?

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