Tim Drake x reader

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Y/n yawned as she carried on typing on her laptop in the batcave. She had been up since Tuesday morning, and it was now Friday evening (almost Saturday morning). She hadn't slept all week due to a case she was working on with her boyfriend, Tim.

She drained another cup of coffee and thew it in the trash, which was now overflowing with empty redbull cans and coffee cups.

A hum echoed through the cave as the batmobile parked up in it normal spot. Red robin jumped out, scanning the cave for Y/n. When he found her sitting at her laptop again he sighed and jogged over.

"I thought I told you to get some rest. "
"And I thought I told you I'm fine. " she replied, her eyes not leaving the screen.

Tim sighed again, removing his mask and placing it on the desk.

"Y/n. This isn't healthy. You need sleep. "
"Says the freaking hypocrite."

At this point Tim had had enough. He grabbed her laptop from her hands and held it in the air.

"HEY! Give that back!" She yelled as she jumped at him, trying to reach the laptop.

Tim laughed, which just made her angrier. She lost her patience and kicked him straight in the crotch. He dropped the laptop and doubled over in pain.

Y/n grabbed the laptop back and sat back down at the desk, continuing to work.

"Fine. If I can't take the laptop I'll just take you." He said.

"Wait. What do you me-" she suddenly squealed and he picked her up and thew her over his shoulder.

"TIM! Let me go!" She yelled a she hit his back. Tim ignored her and started walking up the stairs.

"You need sleep Y/n. "
"No I *yawn* don't!" She yelled, but she could feel her eyelids drooping.

"Go to sleep Y/n. " he said softly.

She finally gave in and went limp on his shoulder. He smiled and shifter her so he was holding her bridal style, and carried her up the rest of the stairs to the manor.

He took her up to their room and pulled the covers over her before sliding into bed next to her, wrapping his arms protectively around her waist.

"Sleep tight Y/nn. I love you." He said before driving off to sleep himself.

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